
My upstairs radiators are on when the heating is off (but hot water is on).?

by  |  earlier

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I have 4 rads upstairs, 2 have thermostatic controls on them and are fine, two (hallway and bathroom) don't have any controls I can see (except one flat head s***w in the right valve casing) and these 2 are always on when the hot water on but the heating off. I can't see how to turn them off, it's 85 degrees outside and the radiators are red hot!




  1. it sounds like the valve is sticking that changes the flow of water from the radiators to hot water

  2. Try counting the number of turns clockwise you can turn those screws closed. See it it then cools down (may take hours) Remember the # of turns so you may later turn then back when needed. They should be turned all the way counterclockwise when open.


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