
My urine is purple. What do i do?

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I just got back from North Korea and i don't know what i ate. Please help me.




  1. AH! haha! CREEPY! Maybe you ate too many beets, they change the color of your pee.


    Then drink LOTS of water to get it back to a clearish yellow.  

  3. if this is a serious question:;...

  4. hmmm

    first of all how did you get back from north korea, lol

    second i think you should see a doctor asap or go to the hospital/urgent care

    good luck :]

    ps tht is SO cool

  5. its prob. dye from something you ate. uhh or a allegic reaction give it a day or two. and then call the doc if it doesnt stop

  6. Not necessarily doctor, did you have any maroon or dark red colored foods? Beets can make you're urine a shade of purple. If you only have white foods or meat then yes, I'd see a doctor.

  7. Report it to Kim iL Jung immediately !

    He will hang the family responsible!

    (Pick up any nukes while you were visiting the axis of evil???)

  8. Drink plenty  of water to flush this out. Also think back if you had grape jucie or any thing purple to drink. It the water does not help consult your Dr.

  9. Purple urine bag syndrome (PUBS) is a rare syndrome associated with alkaline urine and some urinary tract infections, and is more frequently observed in chronically catheterized and constipated women. The urinary catheter drainage system changes colour from red or blue to violet or purple, sometimes with differently coloured tube and bag. The aetiology is still controversial but in the literature researched most authors believe that indigo, which is blue, and indirubin, which is red, are responsible for the colours obtained.

  10. you should go to your doctor and c whats wrong

    its probably just something you ate but its better to be safe than sorry

  11. Only time I've ever heard of that happening is through the genetically passed porphyria.

  12. Go to the doctor, that's pretty cool tho.

  13. GO TO A DOCTOR. Probably kidney problems. Go KNOW.


  15. celebrate!

  16. your gonna get your balls chopped of or your gonna die

  17. That's interesting....drink it and record any significant changes :P

  18. dude thats sooooo cool!


    are you sure its not one of the toilett cleaners that turn your pee colors.

    haha and north korea??

    how did you escape??

    any tips??

  19. They injected you with poison. You will live or die.

  20. Purple discoloration can occur in alkaline urine as a result of the degradation of indoxyl sulfate (indican), a metabolite of dietary tryptophan, into indigo (which is blue) and indirubin (which is red) by bacteria such as Providencia stuartii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and enterococcus species. The clinical course is benign, and the urine typically clears with resolution of the bacteriuria and acidification of the urine.

    You most likely picked up a bacteria. You need to go to the doctor and get on antibiotics to clear this up.


  22. um i never heard anything of the sort

    it can depend on what u ate

    if ur having abdominal pains i suggest seriously going to an hospital

    the best thing you can do for your body at the moment is ONLY drink water cuz it helps your kidneys filter

  23. OMG!  Take a sample of it and go to the emergency room. That does not sound good at all..... but it sounds very cool! LOL

  24. This is a very good question and can be equated with possible blood in the urine combined with something you ate which the kidneys and urinary tract would normally cause your urine to be yellowish in color thus creating the purple effect in your urine.

    You should consult with a doctor soon. However, he will prescribe a broad spectrum anti-biotic which should clear this up.

    Good luck and I hope you get better soon.

  25. It is most probably that you ate beets and it will pass

  26. you ate some food high in barium. this causes a strange kidney condition causing a strange colored urine, usually blue. mixed with blood, it turns purple, meaning you have an infection, possibly renal failure. see your doc. good luck!

  27. somebody poisoned the water hole

  28. doctor.................

  29. Beetes usually make you pee red... thats odd. Ask a doctor or trusted adult. Good luck!

  30. wow purple  that is weird !! to get purple u need the color blue and the color red so red should be ur blood blue maybe a slushy u drank of course color blue or u ate blueberry !!! u should go and see a doc

  31. It's getting late for me.  Luck.

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