
My v****a has been smelling sour lately.?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't been sexually active in over a year.

I just had a baby in February.

but lately i've been noticing a very sour smell and I have been having a increase in discharge on my panties. I don't have any appointments set up so i'm too completely sure if i should set up one or if what i'm experiencing is just something a body has to go through. I will add though that it does however get an even worse smell as i get closer to my period. When my period leaves though i still have a pretty fishy smell.

please help me:(




  1. see the Dr, it may just be a bacterial or hormonal imbalance

  2. A fishy smell is a common sign of an infection, but since you don't mention any itching or burning, it can't be anything too serious. If you do have an infection, it should be easily treated with some kind of cream in no time!

  3. do u have a yeast infection

  4. yeast infection!!!

  5. umm maybe you can take a very good bath... and if that doesn't work see a doctor...?

  6. Oh my! I'm sorry you're having a problem.

    I would suggest very gently that you go to see your doctor as soon as possible so it doesn't get any worse.

  7. You need to go to the doctor.  Smell = Infection.  Yeast, etc.

  8. You sound like you may have a bacterial infection.  It is pretty common in women and can smell worse after your period.  The usual symptom is a strong, fish odor.  

    This isn't an STD and you don't have to be sexual active to get it.  However, people confuse this as being an STD because s*x can cause it.  This infection happens because the levels of bacteria in the v****a get disrupted meaning there is more bad bacteria in the v****a than good bacteria.  

    This is something that you need to see your gynecologist about.  This can only be cured with antibiotics.  They usually give you Metrogel and that is a gel that you put in your v****a before you go to bed.  It is an antibiotic but this medication does not usually cause a yeast infection because it does not alter the levels of good bacteria.  

    See your gyno, get a culture done, and go with what she advises.  Good luck!

    ***Please do not considering douching.  Douching is one of the reasons women get bacterial infections.  It might help with the smell but it will make your current problem worse.  I would also abstain from s*x until this problem is cleared up.

  9. Could be a yeast infection,  but i would say go to your doctors to check it out..

  10. WOW...

  11. deusche it up!!!

  12. Oh stop being such a sour puss! And for God sake have s*x! You are going to end up with cob webs down there!

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