
My v****a is hurting and i have a lot of discharge?

by  |  earlier

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and I'm 12 what does that mean

i have pubic hair and arm pit hair .... my lower back hurts and i have small cramps+I'm breaking out.... i have not started my period yet and ..... ive ben moody lately!!

13 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

should i put on a pad??




  1. IT'S COMING!!!

    definitely have a pad

    on and be preparedd

  2. yeah go ahead incase you wake up with something red all over your bed...

  3. you should def start wearing panty liners P:


    i remember when i started my first period

    i was like '..did i startmy period?"

    and was like " mom i need a pad "

    and she told e v e r y o n e that i started

    and im like



    but your v****a shouldnt be hurting

    if it hurts for too long then go to a doctor lol

  4. You may be getting your period but there is no need to wear a pad or anything until you start to bleed  

  5. I'm thinking it might come soon maybe just where a pantie liner.. if this keeps up you might want to go see a doctor..:)

  6. Your fine. You're just stressing, RELAX youngin'

  7. It sounds like you're going to be getting your period soon.  If you feel more comfortable that way, you can put a pad on now.  Or you can keep checking every few hours and then put one on when you know you have it.  Do what is more comfortable for you.

  8. i would wear one to bed, and then if you dont get it tonight, than i would wear a panty liner 2 school tomorrow, with pads and liners in ur backpack

  9. ur gonna bcome a woman as in start ur period

  10. start with panti-liners.  

  11. go to the doctor lol

  12. ur getting ur rags! they suck!

  13. it's on its way! [verryy soon]

    make sure you have a pad with you everywhere you go,

    and for your discharge, put on a pantiliner, but if it's like a LOT, put on a thin pad. but make sure NOT to stress, because sometimes stress is the reason you get your period late. good luckk :}

  14. Just sounds to me like you are going through puberty. I don't know why your v****a hurts tho. I would put a pantyliner on for the discharge. Pads are only need if you are having a period. If you still feel bad in a few days, have your parents take you to the doctor.  

  15. You should tell your mom, so she can explain it to you. and yes you do need a pad, because that is what it sounds like, so just carry some around with you in your purse or back pack, just in case it do start. but just to be careful wear one everyday until you are sure of what is happening to you. and by all means do tell your mom so she can help you with this. good luck  god bless you.

  16. You might be starting your period soon. If you want to be safe, I'd wear a thin panty-liner just in case.  

  17. Well you could be getting your period.  Or it could all just be a part of the crazy thing called puberty.  If you can talk to your mom about what's happening to your body she might have some better insight.  



  19. well you're definitely going to get it soon! you can put on a pad now, but you dont have to. but if you dont, just know that you're going to ruin a pair of underwear, so wear a pair you dont like!

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