
My vegetarian diet?

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My mom says i can finally be a vegetarian!!!! YES!! however, she will make me stop if i dont get all the vitamins, minerals, other nessecities, etc. so, what do i need (like, protein, for example)? also, what vegetarian foods do i get those from (like, how do i get protein)? how much do i need of that specific vitamin/mineral/other (how much preotein do i need)?


ps. i dont JUST need to know about protein, but others too, including protein.




  1. ?

  2. If you carry a leather handbag, you are not vegetarian.

  3. I am happy for you.  Tofu is highly thought of as a source of many nutrients including is a website reference:

  4. Short, easy answer: A vegetarian has exactly the same needs as a meat-eater. They just need to get it different ways.

    For iron, eat more dark leafy green vegetables. Since the plant form of iron isn't as readily absorbed as the animal form, eat something that has vitamin C along with it. (That's supposed to help you absorb it.)

    If you still have dairy, you probably won't have trouble with calcium, protein, or fat. Just be sure that you don't replace meat with cheese. Totally not healthy; way too much fat.

    Eat more legumes. This will give you fiber, protein, and some vitamins/minerals (depending on what kind of legume) with very low fat. Nuts and seeds have more fat, but are also very nutrient-dense. Just don't go overboard.

    Good luck to you!

    Grab A Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian. It has detailed information about what your body needs and how to get it .

  5. Beans, nuts, soy all have lots of protein in them.  Like instead of having beef tacos, have bean tacos, they're really good! You can also take vitamin supplements, like B12, which are also really good for vegetarians!

  6. It is not as easy as it sounds. You better buy a book on the subject or search the net on how to do it right. We get a lot of protien and fat from meat. You need both. So you will have to eat tofu and things that are non meat but high in protein. Read up on it first. You are young and you have planty of time to implement a change in your life. The important thing is to do it right.  Do it healthy. Good Luck

  7. im 13 been a vegetarian all my life and i just eat stuff ya know :[]

    dont worry about it...

  8. Check out these two articles on  They really helped me. There is another one coming out soon according to the site:

    She gives this equation for calculating how much protein you need:

    Females: 0.8 x body weight (expressed in kilograms) = amount of protein in grams

    Males: 1.0 x body weight (expressed in kilograms) = amount of protein in grams

    And has a chart indicating what has how much protein.

  9. too me you sound like a fellow teen. i read a book called "vegetarian manifesto" it was extremely informative, it comes from a teenage perspective and it includes all basic info on vegetarianism and as well as all the nutritions you need and how to get them.

    dairy products should easily cover your protein and B12 intake.

    it might be smart to take a daily vitamin if you feel you arent getting enough vitamins.

    you'll need to worry about iron and calcium. iron you get from dark green veggies, and calcium from orange juice(some) and silk(a soy milk)

  10. pro soy is the way to go LOTTS of PROTEIN in it.

    tofu for salads, stir frys, sautees.

    soy milk for you cereal. You can find sweetened and unsweetened.

  11. other people have already answered ur protien question. but u also need iron which u get from green vegetable like spinach. and u might also need omega 2's and 3's... no i dea wat that is.

  12. great job becoming veggie, but it doesn't mean you have to change your whole life because of it, start with cutting out the meat and maybe having the quorn or soya version instead, and check the labels of foods you like the look of and it will tell you.

    hope this helps and good luck

  13. Get Protein from nuts and peanut butter.

    Also watch you iron. it will be low. take some vitamins with iron.

    Skier - Being a vegetarian can have nothing to do with feeling sorry for animals. Half my family are vegan and only for the health benefits. Not because they feel sorry for chickens.

    Not eating meat will reduce your chances of getting cancer 60%. That better than quitting smoking. What does that tell you? Honestly I’m not vegetarian myself I just eat healthy and limited amounts of meat and like I said I’m surrounded by vegans.

    Also try almond milk (health food store) ...taists great and has protein.

  14. protein is a must! Nuts have a bunch of protein! If you don't get enough, you will probably know 'cos you will feel bad. Eat at least a cup a day...

    plus you can have pastas with cream sauces instead of meat sauces..

    A multivitamin should be on the list.

    Also good for you



    any veggies

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