
My vegetarian friends..?

by Guest58389  |  earlier

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I am a meat eater

I was a vegetarian for a year and a half

i became one not because i wanted to be healthier or an animal rights activist, but because i wanted to be accepted by my vegetarian friends. i felt empowered.

my question is- do most vegetarians refrain from eating meat because they feel superior to meat-eaters?

i think that more people are becoming vegetarian becuse its in style just like being eco-friendly




  1. ehhhh im not trying to fit in i just feel uncomftorable putting a cow or pig in my mouth. some people do it for the stlye. alot of people actually.... great question. :)

  2. Yeah, it's the hip thing to do at the moment, just like during the hippie movement where you had a lot of people just pretending to be vegetarian just to be part of the group.

    I don't feel superior to meat eaters.  I used to be a meat eater.  I just feel more empowered by knowledge.  I feel less ignorant when it come to food and diet etc.

    Some people only recycle because if they did not recycle, their neighbours would look over on recycling day and see that they were not doing their duty for the environment.  So, I think the same thing is happening with diet too these days.  I think it's a good thing, because just as with recycling, people speeding in their cars, people not paying for the train... the public has to get involved and frown upon the people that are not doing the right thing.  When I was in Japan, crime was very low there.  Petty theft practically does not exist.  I and people  I knew would leave things by accident at the bus stop or where ever and it would either still be there the next day or turned into the local police booth.  Society frowns upon people that steal etc. in Japan to the point that very very few people steal, even if it's an umbrella someone left at the bus stop.  So, the more we frown upon those that smoke in public or whatever, the less we will see of it.  Just standing by and saying nothing or complaining in private, will result in nothing changing at all.

  3. I don't eat meat for ethical reasons. I love animals. And I don't feel superior to meat-eaters in any way.

    I wouldn't say vegetarianism is "in style" quite yet. But it's becoming more popular. Some people are still ridiculously against vegetarianism though

  4. No, I became a vegetarian because I have IBS and meat gives me horrible stomach cramps.

    But I also think about the moral issues, animal cruelty, the effect that Intensive Livestock Farming has on the environment etc etc.

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