
My very first car. Any recommendations?

by  |  earlier

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My dad has finally decided to get me a car. I'll be 18 in 5 months or so. I really like the Nissan Altima models but my dad's budget for my car is so far below what a Nissan model runs. He's looking to spend like $1500. I was wondering what the earlier models cost and what are some good places I can check out that sell dependable used cars. I live in GA.




  1. I'm quite sure your father knows much more about this than you, and it's his money being spent. How a car looks means very little. My son, uncle and aunt have all had Nissans, and all three turned out to be 4 wheel nightmares.

    Your father knows more than you think, let him guide you.

  2. I asked this a while ago, and the undying response seems to be a honda of some sort.

    See if this helps you:;...

    I don't know your zip code, but you can type it in at this website

    and give your specifics as to what you're looking for.

    For example, I typed in the zip code for Atlanta, and it searched for 25 miles for any brand of car that is  or under $1500. I found 75 of them from dealerships and private sellers. It's great!

    here's a nissan altima around Atlanta (like I said, not sure which part you live in) which is way below 1500.

  3. your best bet would be to either get a geo metro or a honda civic. Both are really good gas savers and can last you a long time. It would be a plus for you to learn how to drive a stick. I personally have a ford escort...they are real easy on the gas too.

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