
My video/ movie projector overheating.. is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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Long story short, I purchased a projector that was completely broken from a person who said it was in great condition and works perfectly. I fixed most of it up. Whatever.. karma will come around. What goes around comes around.


My projector gets hotter than normal.. Thus, after 20 to 30 minutes of use, it shuts down.

When I use the projector during the night (60-65~ degrees), it plays for hours and there are still no interruptions.

Whenever I try to use it during the day ( 80~ degrees ) when the weather is warm, the projector feels really hot and it shuts down. Its also because I use the projector is in my room and my room is always warm and stuffy, so placing a fan doesn't help as it just blows warm air at the projector(tried it).

I can make an educated guess that it overheats and shuts down when its warm outside, but when its cold it plays for hours without any interruptions.

My question is.. is this normal for a projector? To overheat and not work in warm days




  1. How is the projector mounted?  Overheating is a common problem in projectors which are mounted upside down (in a ceiling mount).  And what is the projector setting , i.e., Normal vs. Econ?  Use of the Economy mode does lower the overall projector temperature.   If the room temperature is relatively high, say 80 degrees and higher, you may want to limit the projector use when the ambient temperature is around 70 degrees or lower.

    Good luck!

  2. Given the presence of a hot, high power lamp getting warm is normal. The projector is designed to tolerate some heat, but to control heat buildup through a series of cooling channels through which cool air (room temperature) is drawn by a fan through a foam filter (to keep dust out).

    If the room air is too warm and/or anything interferes with the cooling air (blockage/constriction around the projector, dirty intake filter), the projector will run hot and (normally) at some point a protective circuit will turn off the projector (or at least the lamp).

    If you are getting shutdown you have to improve cooling. The first thing to check though is that the cooling vents are not in any way constricted (e.g. sitting on a rug or in an enclosed space) and the foam filter is not plugged/dirty. Once that has been checked you may have to consider an auxillary fan of some form.

    The good news is the projector works when you keep the temperature down. The trick is how to do that in warm weather. I know you tried a fan, but if all else fails that is the best mechanism ... you just need to make the air count.

    Hope this helps.

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