
My violin has a bit of an issue at the bridge... the strings are slipping... what to do??

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I left my violin out for a few nights (don't worry; I loosened the bow!) and it got cold last night so I had to do some major tuning... anyways, the little colored thing that pads the E string on the bridge slipped out, and the A string has slipped out of its little bracket on the bridge... ooh I think I just popped it back but that didn't sound good....

What should I do??? I won't get together with my violin teacher for another week, and I don't want to wreck the strings... can I still play it without damaging the E string? Should I completely loosen the E string and try to slide the pad thing back under?




  1. Take it to your local music store, I know that Sam Ash has experts on this subject, I wouldn't mess with it myself too much as you may do damage !!!!!!!!! If your worried then don't play it until you have your next lesson !!!!!!! Or if possible call your music teacher to see what he/she suggests !!!!!!!!

  2. You can safely take the bridge out by turning it like you are placing the bridge flat and parallel on the base.  It will slip out.  You can do whatever work with the pad and bridge (super glue will probably do just fine) and slip it back in using the same technique.  Try to put the bridge where it was originally.  There should be little squares where the feet of the bridge were.  Also, the bridge is not symmetrical; one side is higher than the other.  Look to see which side is higher, and which strings are over it. Then just align the strings in the notches, re-tune, and you're good to go.

    If you really don't feel good about performing maintenance on your instrument (and I wouldn't blame you if you don't), take it to any music store that works with violins and they can do it for you.  The worst case scenario is that they will brake it for you, and they will have to replace it. ;)

  3. same thing happened to mine a couple of years ago just take it to a music store and they can fix it really fast...hoped i helped

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