
My vision quest with weed?

by  |  earlier

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I keep trying to have a vision quest.

I set the right music and smoke a sweet.

But no matter how many I smoke I don't see

my vision or spirit guide.

I usually get hungry so I go eat or I get tired and I sleep.




  1. Get a job you f**&ing dope smoking weirdo.

  2. First of all, the tradition of a "Vision Quest" requires you to go into nature without any food or water and live out there for a period of time.

    They say after a period of time you will become a part of nature and thus will be able to communicate with it in a sense.

  3. Look Carlos Castenda says you have to find the right spot.  A spot of power.  Read The Teachings of Don Juan and you will have much better luck in the future.

  4. Don't know where you are in the world, but try Spirit Hollow in Shaftsbury, Vermont.  They specialize in journeys of the spirit.  I agree with almost everything everyone else has said.  It appears you are also NOT giving it enough time, that you are too separated from Nature and the Earth (duh.  You're staying in your room, right?), you're using chemicals (which normally, I wouldn't have a problem with, but this is NOT how or where or under what conditions a true vision quest is done, so maybe that's why it is NOT working...)  You're also too close to the frig and the sink, and too reliant on electronics, so remove ALL these things from your process, go find yourself a supervising and wise elder, and see if that doesn't make the difference for you.  Getting tired and sleeping isn't a problem (that I'm aware of, as many of the best and deepest visions come to us in our dreamtime), but not giving it enough time and eating or drinking too soon, is indeed enough of a problem so as to ruin the experience for you.  How old are you, anyway?

  5. try shrooms..

    it makes your ego disappear.

    and for like 15 hours you won't need food/water/sleep.

    or anything really.

  6. usually you dont go on vision quests with weed, try salvia

  7. Weed is not normally used to obtain a vision quest man,

    try some Salvia, DMT, LSD, shrooms...get some psychadelics

    psychs are where its at man, if you wann see stuff

    weed is just to good though

  8. You sound like you're on LSD. If not and you're looking to have a "vision quest" go ahead and take some.

  9. Quite good that............ spaz

  10. Weed really does not help your vision quest. It is about quieting your mind and clearing your mind so that you can actually pay attention to what nature is telling you. It is also about being in nature.

    If you really want a vision quest then I suggest you connect with your nearest native american community and find a medicine man or woman who leads people on such journeys to guide yo and to help you prepare properly.

    I lot of really boring people spend years up in their room smoking weed and listening to music waiting for a vision that never comes while life passes them by.

    You may also try learning Reiki it is a drug free way to develop communication with your spirit guides and it helps you to heal yourself, others and the earth in the process.

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