
My voice in my head

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Ok, Its only my voice that talks to me. It feels like I cant stop thinking about stuff, things to do, things I need to do and so on. Im always having things run through my head at one time. I have myself telling me to do things and say things and so on all the time. I can never whined down I always have activity in my mind. is this normal? I also find it very hard to concentrate very hard.




  1. nothing unusual about that!,  i live with it every day,  far from schizophrenia, but just be careful,  make sure you find ways to relax, and take your mind off things, that work for you,  just as i am doing now!,  mindlessly answering questions!

  2. Sounds like you have schizophrenia go speak to your doctor and get him to refer you to a psychiatrist as soon as possible and get on meds.

  3. I also have a very active mind, I love thinking about things and analysing things. I often pass the time by simply thinking and analysing things, and as such, it's become a habit to constantly think and I, too, find it hard to concentrate sometimes. Is this what you're experiencing? If so it's nothing to worry about, you're just a heavy thinker.

    But if these voices come out of no where, and you don't consciously make an effort to think them... maybe then there would be a problem worth checking out.

  4. You are schizophrenic. Not to be mean but get meds and a doctor quick before you kill people.

  5. Yes it's normal.

    Just as long as it's not affecting your social/school life.

  6. I feel like my thoughts are running at about 200 mph through my brain, I know that sucks.  What are you worried about, exactly?  What do you think would happen if you didn't stress all the time?  If you need help with these questions, or with relaxing (big time relaxing) then find a therapist you like.  They can really help give you perspective.

  7. Yes the human mind. Man, you need to be alone for awhile, probably better for less disturbance, less distraction, more you focus in yourself, more you control your mind out of that misery.

    The thing about us thinking so frequently, its not coz we our own self want to, but only in our head does it want to think. The insecurities of the mind is a big part of this. By letting that go, what i mean, if there is insecurities, let them be there but not to react to it, watching it fighting itself inside your head will make it give itself up. It is coz you're not reacting to that content, so no more feeding it. When it comes back again, let it be there again and do not react and so on...

    I do suffered to this conditions awhile ago, one of the times i walked across the road without looking in the other side, so after i crossed that road, i didnt realise there were a fair bit of cars behind me stop, 3 lanes with cars stopped i thnk it was. It was a part of my realisation and did really freak me out. This is just one example. The listjust goes on and on until we realise what life has been telling us.

    Empty that brain-load so other things on that moment can come through eg: will help to concentrate if you dont have anything to think about. remember we only got one brain to work with, so whats it going to be?? that's all up to yourself.

    Hope this will give you directions.


    ***No good taking medicines if you havent really giving it a go yourself***

  8. I don't believe you have a mental illness based on what you've stated. Perhaps you're just a bit stressed. The best thing to do would be to see a doctor about it and tell him or her what you're experiencing.
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