
My voice is craking alot wat does this mean???

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My voice is craking alot wat does this mean???




  1. PUBERTY...we all go through it

  2. its changing. its all part of puberty

  3. it just means it's changing. it's probably getting deeper. welcome to puberty. it's no big deal and you will be fine.


  4. puberty duh

  5. lol dont worry about it. its normal. You'll end up laughing about it with your buddies.

  6. Puberty mane. Its normal but embarassing.

  7. your voice is changing...

  8. welcome to manhood

  9. pubery of course

    enless youve been yelling a lot lately?

  10. lol its puberty!!!!!!!:D

  11. Puberty Ur body will start changing you will get sperm. U will learn that in 5th grade. JK  

  12. Ah, the wonders of Puberty.

    No worries =)

  13. How can you not know? It's called puberty...where have you been living, under a rock?

  14. pubirty. its normal.

  15. It's called puberty mate.

  16. Its called puberty dude its normal  

  17. you didn't say how old you are so maybe your voice is breaking!  

  18. How old are you? It could mean that you're going through puberty.  

  19. It means you're on your way to becoming a man.

    It's called puberty.An awkward time in any guy's life , but necessary.

    You obviously have an internet connection , so Google the word "puberty" and you'll find more information than you probably need.

    Just make sure your Safe-Search filter is turned on , or you might just see some stuff that your parents probably wouldn't want you looking at.

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