
My voice is...............?

by  |  earlier

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My voice is well kind of annoying. You know how when you hear your voice it sounds different then it really is. Well i love the voice I hear because its a little deeper than my actual voice when I'm like on my web cam recording. My voice is annoying I think. IS there anyway to change it? Because I want to land a good role in my school play but my voice is annoying&high-ish. My firneds and people disagree they dont think its high.......i dont really think its high, i cant describe it. I just dont like it. Anyway to change it?




  1. I am the exact same way.  No one else complains about my voice, but when i hear it I'm almost embarrassed!  It annoys me.  My laugh also.

    I don't think there is anyway to change your voice... but maybe you could practice talking a different way?  IDK.  lol.  

  2. Listen to your family and friends.  Believe me, the voice they hear is the voice you hear on the webcam recording etc. not the voice you hear as you speak.  Our own voice always sounds distorted to our own ears.  As for preparing your voice for an acting role - practice breathing exercises making sure you are breathing from the diaphram (there are websites and library books that will teach you this method if you don't already know it).  Speak slowly and clearly and with good diction; intination and expression are far more important that how you think your voice sounds normally.  I went to stage school, have been on radio and TV, and have diplomas and certificates for my acting and public speaking and I hate my voice!  SO I know whatof I speak!


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