
My volleyball coach & I kissed...?

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I'm eighteen, he's 26 or 27. I play on a year-round traveling team, but he's new, just started about a month ago.

I was staying after practice to get help with my jump serve and he was behind me helping me position, and he kissed me. he realized what happened and immediately pulled away, but I kissed him the second time and we made out for a few minutes.

I do like him, I found him attractive from the start.

do you think eight years is too big of an age gap?

trust me, he's not in any way a pervert.




  1. There is people with 10 year difference, but nothing good can come from this, you couldnt be seen out in public or any of that. but hey it makes it much more fun knowing if you get caught ha ha :)

  2. It's a pretty big difference. If you get involved, it won't last. It's best not to bother.

  3. It's not that bad of an age difference (just a few years early), but the relationship doesn't sound quite right.  I'd be cautious if I were you.

  4. i think its kinda funky

  5. Do you care if your parents approve? If not then that is up to your morals. All I know is right NOW you would be getting some strange looks from people, later on in life I don't think it would be a big deal.

  6. 8 years isn't much at all. I know a couple happily maried for 15 years and the age difference is 12 years.

  7. its not supposed to be in volleyball section..  

  8. well legally u are the legal ages to do what ever you want so maybe your destined to be together if he loves you and you love him that equals true love which no one can get in your way or if its just a fling maybe you should leave it you will have to no his true feelings but if he loves you why not...

    P.S your mother and father may not aprove

    hope i could help and all goes well.xx

  9. well you're 18. do what you want

  10. If you like him...then stop.  He can get fired from his job.  If you don't want him to lose his job...wait until after the season is over to kiss him again.

  11. DO not get involved.

    Even though you are 18 doesn't mean you can now date a 27 year old for any reason. That is a big age difference and you should stick to 18 19 and 20 year olds..

  12. nope, you're fine :)

    get some of that volley-toochey

  13. Nah my Dad is 10 years older than my mom lol

    and you're legal so its cool

  14. You would know more than anybody else who answers...

    your both adults... if you two love eachother, why hold back because hes older?    

  15. Well, from a legal standpoint, there's nothing wrong with it. However, involving romance in a coach-player relationship can make things a bit weird.

    If you feel that the involvement with him won't interfere with your responsibility to your team, then go for it. But if complications are on the horizon, maybe you should rethink your standpoint. It's all about weighing the good against the bad.

  16. honey please, your 18, your old and mature enough to decipher what your heart and head is saying. if you really like him then GO FOR IT! who knows, everything may work out. however it might be a little awkward during class, just dont make it obvious that yall are 'seeing eachother' because the others girls may have something to say about that ;)  

  17. Hey gurl!!! Age ain't nothing but a your not a minor anymore

  18. This is not about age difference.  I am 8 years younger than my husband. This is an ethical or moral issue.  You are only 18 years old, which makes you a minor.  He is your coach.  This is a relationship as one between a teacher and student.  

    Trust me, he knew what he was doing.  

    If you have a good relationship with your parents or counselor, I recomend you get some advice.

    Mine is: stay out of this relationship.  At least until you are no longer a teenager.

  19. well an 18 year old can go out with a 25 year old according to pineapple express :)

  20. that is SO COOL!!!! is sounds hot to me i don't care what anyone says i think you should give it a try!

  21. MAAYBE WAIT a lilttle bit let it be cool qith him if hes ok and u are, y not?

  22. Sounds good to me..

    Age isn't a problem.

  23. It sounds fine to me. Men die younger, so you need the age difference.

  24. pretty much

  25. Age gap does not matter. What matters is the maturity of the person. I am not really sure how well you know each other considering that he is new.  You might want to know more about him first before you begin a relationship with him.

  26. idk... well my gf is 1 1/2 years older than me or somethin and i'm afraid of loosin her

  27. He totally crossed the line by kissing you, and whether you like him or not he shows very poor judgment in kissing someone he's coaching who is only eighteen.  I'd be very, very cautious of this guy, despite your attraction.

  28. if you like each other it don't matter what age gap it is as long has he isn't married and got children,or he has a girl friend. my hubby is 15 years my senior i love him to bits , some guys who are older than you are more loving than a youngster.they are more grown up and sensible and treat girls or ladies far better.

  29. nope,go for it

  30. thats not that bad

    my friends parents are 12 years apart!

    if both of yall like each other and feel this way

    then yall should go out!

  31. Go for the SPIKE!

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