
My volleyball coach asked me if i wanted to play on A. should i or should i stay with my friends on B?

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well i am the captain of volleyball B team and my coaches asked if i wanted to move up to A team. Should i move up to A or should i stay on B team with my friends? Even though A team is better us B team members have more heart. So should i move up to a team with no passion for the sport but are still really good or should i stay on B team where we have heart and passion for the sport and may not be better than A but we still have won more what do i do?




  1. Play for the A team, you can still be friends with people from B. How can A have no passion, but be better than B?? B probably wins more games because they play weaker opponents. Your coach is telling you that you're too good to playing in the B team. Time to step up. Make new friends in A team.

  2. totaly go if your on a if you want to play select go with A and you have a better chance on getting on a team trust me i play select on STL  ATTACK

  3. Ok, my first question would be are you looking to play in college? Because if you are, the longer you are on the highest ranked team, the better off you are at getting a scholorship. So I would say go for the A team, where you can play against real competition. Good luck.

  4. If you can hit harder serves and spikes than move to a team or b team is easier Just ask the coaches if it's possible to play both

  5. if you are the team captin on the B. team then i am guessing that you are the best player on the team.

    if you want to get any better i suggest that you go on the A. team

    believe will get better.

  6. i would stay on team B. if team A does not have passion for it then there's really no point. do you get what i'm saying? in my opinion, i'd rather play with people i get along with, are as passionate as i am about the sport. so  you work better as a team.

  7. The coaches are probably asking you to move up because they think you could inspire the A-team to have a greater passion....if you feel more comfortable, i would finish your duty as captain and stay on the B-team, but if you feel like moving up to the A-team will increase your skill, i would do it.....its really up to you!!!

  8. Move up...(it's an honor).  And maybe, your the answer to what the A team needs!

    Good luck =o)

  9. My freshman year, I was but on the A team where I was the only one, all my friends were on the B team, and it really wasn't that bad.

    But it really just depends on you. If you feel that if you move up to the A team, but won't get to play on the court then just stay on the B team and build up game experience.

  10. go with the b team because then next year you and maybe your friends could move up together. it's eaiser to be with friends then to go with  other people.

    also, just do what your heart tells you to do. it really helps alot.

  11. this exact same thing happened to me. except i wasnt asked to move up i just played up every once and a while. i would stay down because it doesnt matter whos better it matters if ur havong fun or not. our a team last year wouldnt talk at all and they were good but they didnt do very well together. the b team which i was on we were pretty good and we won more total games during the season. so i would stay with the b team. it helped me learn to work together with a few players i hated to. but hey just do watever u want to do. its ur choice and u can still be friends w/the players on the b team. have fun.

  12. Ask your friends on the B team. Then ask some people on the A team if they even want you on the team or not. if you're happy with the b team, there's no sense in moving up.

  13. Maybe you can ask your coach if you could move up to the A team for a week or something and if you like it then you can stay there. but if you don't like it then ask if you can move back down to the B team.

  14. The coaches are asking you to move up hoping you will be the spark that ignites the passion in the 'A'-teamers.

    The decision, of course, is yours.  It still depends on what YOU want out of volleyball.  Is it cameraderie?  Are you looking for a scholarship for college?  Do you just want to have fun, or do you think it's serious?  These are questions only you can answer and you need to before you can make a quality decision.

  15. try playin with different people and move up to the next level...or team or whatev.... do what you think is best...good luck!

  16. If you really cared about the game you'd move up to A but if you care more about being with your friends than the game well then be with your friends. It's a no brain er for me, I can't wait till I get the chance to move up from Serie B to Serie A in the Pallavolo Lega in Italy.

  17. YOu should be honored to move up to the A team. But it sounds like you made up your own mind. Your heart is in the B team. In my club I was asked to move up to the 16 year-old team, as a thirteen year-old on the 14 team. The 14 team was more spunky and friendlier and played as one team and hung out all together. The 16 team was kind of in groups like these four people hung out, these five people hung out, these three people hung out, but I was with one of my bestest friends and I really didn't care because I was improving and now I'm so much better.

    So it depends on how you take volleyball. If its just extra time with friends and a way to be social then stay on B. But if volleyball is something you really think and want to excel in then mive up to A.

    It is an honor. And you will probably still see and scrimage the people on the B team. SOOOOOO.......


  18. stay on team B because it will be more fun playing with your friends and volleyball is not only about winning, but about having fun and it seems you have fun in team B.

  19. what is your goals in the sport? If you want to play more and get a college scholarship or play on a club go to A. If you just want to enjoy it stay on B. I personally played A. But do what is best for you. Volleyball is a ladder that you can never reach the top there is always someone better than you and you can always keep climbing. You are deciding which rung to stop on. Go with your heart!

  20. I was asked to do the same exact thing. I was playing JV Volleyball and my coach asked me if I wanted to move up to Varsity. I was doing really well on the JV team and thats where all my friends were. I barely knew any of the girls on the Varsity  team. I decided to move up to Varsity...I shouldn't have. I never got to play, I never had any fun, and I hate that I made that decision to move up. It ruined me that year. My advice to you is to not do it! Stay with your team...

  21. I would say move up to the A team. This does depend on the circumstances though.

    If for example you play setter and they have 2 really good setters you will have to be prepared to spend some time on the bench. But you may want to work on your game and learn off the other setters, in the end you will benefit by improving.

    Also, if you can help inject some life into the A team, you may end up by being captain yourself one day. The captain does not need to be the best technical player but the one who can hold the team together best.

    Look at this way; if the level is too much and you don't enjoy it then you can always move back down next season. But if you don't try you'll never know if you could have made it or not. Always aim high and your new experiences will be useful whether   you stay with the A, go back to the B, or move on to another squad.

  22. Play on the A team that won't affect you relationship with your friends and if they don't like it then they are not your friends because your friends should want the best for you. Unless you are going to sit on the bench and not play much then stay on the B team.

  23. I guess a lot of that would have to do with why you're playing volleyball.

    Are you playing for fun, or do you actually want to accomplish something (like going to college to play volleyball)?

    You're right, team chemistry is important, but playing at a higher, more competitive level also improves your game.

    Obviously, if your coach is asking you about moving up - he/she feels you have a good enough skill level to play at the A level.

    On the other hand, I'm assuming that as the captaiin of the B team - you probably start. If you're moving up to the A squad, you might not get to start, or even play that much. That's definitely something you should ask your coach (how much playing time will I get).

    Also, I'm assuming "A" and "B" are no different than Varsity or Junior Varsity.

    Playing Varsity usually has other perks like being able to letter in the sport, playing in tournaments, playing a longer season, etc.

    All those things are things you should think about.

    Good luck to you!

  24. Depends on what you want. If you're seeking a possible scholarship or other recognition from volleyball, then you should consider A. If B is "good enough", then stick with B.

  25. i think that you should stay with b team bc you sound most happy ther

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