
My volleyball team really needs some new cheers....?

by  |  earlier

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after we shank a ball =/ :


please help? :)




  1. ace:

    awwwwwwwww ACE; you got served!

    uno dos tres, ace ace ace! WOO

    one two three ace!


    awww kill kill kill

    or before a game:

    well the one my team did we said our school name sooo im jsut gonna write SN where we said it:

    we are SN

    couldnt be prouder

    if you cant hear us

    we'll yell a little louder

    [[say that three times getting louder every time]]

    one person yells "what time is it??"

    everyone: game time!

    one person: louder!

    everyone:game time!

    one person: louder!

    everyone:game time!


    haha it was so funn!!

  2. huh>?

    b more specific

    and mayb i can help ...

  3. well, during time outs our coach talks briefly and we sing "we will we will spike it down set it up bump it high keep it up we are the (team name here) and we will beat you any day"  it seems to be somewhat effective.

  4. for a normal point: we got a p, p, p-o-i-n-t

    for an ace: aww a-c-e ace ooh ahh ace

    for a kill: kkkkkkkill reload ch ch or

    k-i- double L thats the way we like to kill

    for when the other team shanks it: 1,2, see ya

    and o-u-t out!

    for when we shank it: sssiiidddeeeooouuttt , side it out! or

    s-i-s-i-d-s-i-d-e-o-u-t side out xx (team name) xx

    for an entrance cheer: extra extra read all about it, were gonna win and were gonna shout it, shout it to the ceiling, shout it to the floor , come on (team name) raise that score!

    hope this helped!!

  5. ace- bow chicka wow wow ace! or ace ace in your face.

    hit- that hit was bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s! or if its a kill "kill kill in your grill"

    for an entrance cheer, get around in a circle and hop side to side singing "ahhhhhhhhhhhh ........ oooo oooo, ahhhhhhhhhh......... ooooo oooooo, im fired up you fired up yeah, im fired up you fired up yeah, ahhhhhhhhh (your team name)"

  6. ace: ballin'!

    tip: tip tip horray! tip tip horray!

    hit: Bump, Set, Hit, Spike

    That's the way we like to fight!

    after the other team shanks the ball:

    ahhhhh shank you!

  7. for ace- ahhh acee you got served!

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