
My washer will not switch to the next cycle,please help I need it fixed NOW!!!(cant afford a repairman)?

by  |  earlier

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i was told it was a clock switch or timer....Anyone know of an inexpensive way to fix ASAP????? HELP




  1. Depending on the model you may have a bad water valve also. During certain rinses it will call for cold water. So if you have shut off your hot water or not getting any it will not advance also. It's really not as simple some times as a timer. Also make sure you can manely advance the timer to continue on, on other cycles. If it does fine on other cycles,then yes you need a timer.

  2. That's probably what it is.  I had the same problem and without timing it and changing the cycles I don't know of any other thing you can do.  I do remember that it wasn't all that inexpensive to fix.  Good luck...

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