
My washing machine has stopped going in to spin mode, it still washes the clothes, but wont spin.?

by  |  earlier

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Ive replaced the bushes but still no joy, is there anything I can do or do I need a new washing machine ?




  1. Same thing happened to me.  Bought the replacement dog ears and agutater (sorry bout the spelling) on ebay twice and it worked both times.  Then it stopped working again.  Last time I could smell burning rubber and when I moved the unit, small black shavings were on the floor.  At that point it was less expensive to buy a new one.

  2. Don't get the repair man out just yet!!! If your washer isn't draining, it wont spin, and if it's not draining, it's highly likely you have a blockage, either in the drainage pipe, or in the filter, which is easy to remedy yourself. Firstly check your filter, (usually at the bottom of the machine,) and give it a good clean out. If that doesn't work. take off the drainage pipe, and check that for blockages,(usually socks)

    My machine is 22 years old, and has had many blockages in it's lifetime. I always know what to do now when it refuses to spin. Good luck.

  3. Does it do anything, like try to spin but fails? There are several reasons this could be happening. One possibility is the belt is worn or is loose. There would be enough friction for it to turn the drum slowly for a wash, but when going into a spin it may slip.

    Does the wash complete successfully, by which I mean does the water heat up? On some makes/models of machines the machine will not spin but will go through the motions of a wash. This is not a feature, more of a design flaw.

    Have you fitted the new brushes properly? If one or both brushes is not contacting the armature properly, the drum will turn but again when it tries to spin, the brushes, which are spring loaded will be forced away from the armature by the rotational speed.

    The armature may be damaged. If it has worn unevenly, this can result in washing but no spin.

    There are other reasons, but if you could tell me exactly what happens I may be able to narrow it down- but this is by no means certain

  4. Have a look in your local free paper or classified ads in your local paper, there are washing machine engineers who will give you a free estimate, at least then you will know whats wrong and if its worth fixing.

  5. Have you had a repair man come?  He could tell you whats best.

    To me it sounds like its on its last leg and you need a new one.

    If you are going for a new one Maytag is the best, Kenmore is also good.

    Good Luck

  6. Actually all you need to do is call a repair man. Ours was doing that at one time and it turned out my mom had done a load and one pair of pants had a roll of chap stick in the pocket. The chap stick came out and during the wash cycle floated into the gear and jammed it. It was very easy to fix.  

  7. i think there is something wrong with u r spinners balance get it checked and repaired if later this problem comes again then its better u should buy a new one

  8. It could be your main board so you will have to call someone out.

  9. Buy a new machine cos the repair man will charge loads

  10. You may have a loose drive belt

    or broken drive belt or the drive belt

    is wet or slipped off.

    Those were the easy fixes.

    more expensive are your control

    panel is shot.

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