
My water lilies keep blossoming and then closing back up. Why do they do that?

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I wanna know how to keep them blossomed. oO




  1. Some plants only open up when the sun is out and then "go back to sleep" when there is no sun.

  2. the water lillies I had always closed in the evening or if it was a really dreary day

  3. The bloom is only open for several hours everyday.  I don't think you can change that.

  4. Hardy water lilies are day bloomers.  They naturally open around 9 a.m. and close around 4 p.m.  They will also close if rained or watered on.  On dark, cloudy days, they may not open at all. Generally, their flowers rest on the water surface. The blossoms only last about 2-3 days. Once they close back up permanently and start to rot, clip them off well below the water line.  Be sure to use fertilizer tabs in the pots to keep them blooming throughout the season.

    However, there are tropical water lilies, some of which are night-bloomers. The blossoms on the night blooming tropical water lilies open at dusk and close about noon on the next day. Their blooms tend to stand out of the water and tropicals flower much more than hardy water lilies. You might want to buy some of both kinds. Just remember that since the tropical ones are not hardy, they can't be left in the bottom of the pond over winter.

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