
My web guy is MIA. Is there a chat room where I can learn how to update my site on my own? I'm a beginner.

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My web guy created and maintained my website for the past several years. Now I'm having problems with parts of my site and my web guy will not return phone calls. I want to learn how to edit/maintain my website on my own but I have no clue where to start. Is there a chat room where I can discuss this with people who are experienced in web development? Any other suggestions?




  1. Send me a message and we will talk.  I am a Senior Programmer I for a web development company in Maryland.  I know our sales force would be more than happy to speak with you about becoming your internet partner.  We have been in business for over 10 years, and have an excellent reputation for providing unrivaled support to our customers!

    Come take a look at who we are:

    Take care, and talk with you soon,

    Chad R. Smith

  2. Chat rooms won't help, if you want to learn (X)HTML properly, head down to your local library and pick up a book on it. I guarantee that after a week or so, you'll feel very comfortable with web-design and be able to get around your website.

  3. You can IM Me (Screenname Ktimaster) on Yahoo IM, I may be able to help

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