
My web sites look amateurish. I do not have any sense when it comes to creating an appealing layout.

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Does anybody have any basic tips on how to make my websites look more appealing in terms of layouts? Here is an example of one of my websites:




  1. dont use the little icons

    like the money bags,

    that looks really stupid

    like get a clean layout  

  2. I just made my portfolio on and they have an awesome tool for making sites (in flash),it's called SiteMaker. I highly recommend it, you don't need lot of inspiration when you have so many nice images,audio,video tools,cliparts and photos,flash effects, lots of pretty fonts and many more, included in the fee you pay for the hosting. The prices are reasonable and the site editor it's easy to use. You don't have the purchase the domain name from them.

  3. You have another option - instead of building the website from scratch, use one of the existing platforms, such as xoops or drupal or gallery for example. If you want the community site, you can use boonex dolphin. They are all PHP-based, but you do not need to know PHP for off-the-shelf installation. You download the code, install it on your provider and configure. You can always integrate e-commerce in all of them

    Here is an example of the xoops website:

    Here is an example of the dolphin website:

    Here is an example of the gallery 2 website:

    If you need more help, you can contact me at



  4. Start using tables to make the layout of your website look better.  Try learning from

    Once you learn how to use tables, it will make a world of difference.

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