
My webcam won't work with my new wireless g router?

by  |  earlier

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i had a wireless b router and my webcam worked fine but now i bought a new wireless g and it doesn't work..i am wondering whether the router built-in firewall could be causing that problem. and if yes how do i disable to router built -in firewall so it will work... thanks




  1. WiFi has been standardised to mean that all the devices that use it should work together, similarly to BlueTooth

    Have you tried configuring the routers? Try logging in to each and having a fiddle

    By the way, NEVER use microsoft internet explorer, use Firefox

  2. Find your webcam on and open the ports in your router configuration page. Your router is denying access to the internet for your webcam.

  3. find out IP address of your wireless g router, access the software through internet explorer, and disable the firewall.

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