
My website is mattresses galore .org is this ok to use?

by  |  earlier

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i could not get the .com so i took .org is this ok




  1. Well you own it, so you can use it however,.org's are typically reserved for not-for-profit and charitable organizations so don't expect a great deal of action on your website and there is a distinct possibility that you may p**s off a few people.

    It is much smarter to visit a site like go daddy or and get a better name.

  2. No. I expect a dot org to be a group thing, like or These are organizations and people go to their sites expecting to interact and organize their efforts to a purpose, like achieving cures or different levels of social interactions. A mattresses galore dot org? I would start thinking you had resources about mattresses, back health, maybe a forum or know, stuff like that.

    I would try to find a way to make yourself a dot com. You're selling, right? So sit and do some brainstorming, amongst the staff or even here, and come up with some dot com names.

    Good luck!

    PS: once you settle, be sure to stay up on renewing. I hear some people's sites will get bought out and held hostage at a price if you don't keep things renewed. Mostly, I heard this about artists websites, but I bet it applies to everyone. One of the links below says people will get updated if a name has opened up because it wasn't renewed. Bingo, name gone! All that work and then someone else snatches it up.

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