
My wedding favors are going to be a donation to a charity I need help with the wording for the cards.?

by Guest67234  |  earlier

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I am making a donation and buying bracelets for diabetes awareness. i myself am a diabetic and thought this would be a great way to make a donation and personalize it. However, when it comes to the wording I just don't know what to say. The examples I have found all say in honour of... it makes it sound like I am dead, not that my self and future husband are supporting a cause that has affected us greatly and all of our family and friends. Any help would be great. Thanks




  1. What a great idea. Kudos to you, my dear.

    Are you buying bracelets to for each guest? If so, I would make little tags with a message that says, "We've made a donation on your behalf to the Diabetes Awareness Foundation (or whatever it's official name is). Please keep this bracelet as a reminder of this important cause and how your donation makes us one step closer to a cure."

    Or something like that.I don't think you need to include anything about how you're affected with the illness. Most people will know anyway, I'm sure, and if not, they'll figure it out.

  2. I actually just asked that question like a few hours ago and we decided to go with Camp Riley's-A camp from Riley's children's hospital.  I contacted them through e-mail and asked them if there was anything they could offer us, as far as a scroll or bookmark to announce the donation to our attendees-They have already contacted me back and Said thank you and they are coming up with something.  They will be happy to get any donation and I'm sure whoever you donate to will be happy to help you!  

  3. "I'm too cheap to buy real wedding favors for my guests... so here's to reseach, you're all pests.. and thanks for the gifts."

  4. that's a great idea!  most friends and family would know you're diabetic, so oi don't think an "in honor of" line would even be necessary!  try something like:

    a favor for you, and a favor to the world.  a donation has been made to the americna diabetes foundation.  please wear this bracelet in support for the millions of people world wide who live each day with diabetes.  together we can raise awareness and find a cure.

    i mean, not exactly like that, but it doesn't make you sound dead!  good luck!

  5. Instead of 'in honor of', you can use 'in support of' your name. Just FYI, 'in honor of' can mean a birthday, a wedding, or someone's pet cause. "in memory of' is for gifts honoring a person who has passed.  

  6. "Because diabetes is part of our lives, we have made a donation in your name to raise diabetes awareness. Please wear this bracelet to show that you care".

    How about that?

  7. Please honor the bride and groom by bringing $1 donations for the Diabetes Awareness Organization.  Each person making a donation will receive a beautiful handmade bracelet.

    You can change the dollar amounts to whatever you like as well as the charity.  I'm not sure I like the idea of charging for wedding favors, but I love the idea of doing something different!

    If you're willing to not receive wedding gifts, you can also add:

    The bride and groom respectfully request donations be made to the Diabetes Awareness Organization in lieu of gifts.

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