
My wedding is in 7 weeks?

by  |  earlier

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and i do not fit into my dress. i bought the dress and a month later found out i was pregnant. i have had the baby and now i have 7 weeks to get the weight off! my son is 8 weeks old so i am able to work out again. any ideas how to lose it quick? its not a whole lot but enough to not fit into the dress




  1. you could just have the dress readjusted to fit in the" week" before your event.

    you did that when you bought it,

    and why would you buy a wedding dress 12 months before your wedding date?

    or get another dress.

    there is no easy answer.

  2. hire a personal trainer or advertise on a freecycle site for a loan of a bigger dress, dont crash diet you will make yourself ill!

  3. I think it would be well worth your money to hire a personal trainer for this time period, outline your goals with them, and set an exercises and diet regimen that will help you meet it.

  4. Join a local gym, and ask for "tips" from trainers so you don't have to pay them =P

    I did that once, but then I just bought a home gym.

  5. I got an airbike from walmart and lost 20 pounds in two months.I worked out 30 min in the morning and 30 at night.but you have to stay away from the bad foods for sure.My waist,butt and hips got smaller.

  6. I have heard that people have great success with Nutrisystem. I know that one of my friends lost about 10 pounds in 5 weeks. You could try that combined with a workout program - go the the gym, jogging, swimming, etc.

    If you have Comcast On Demand they have great exercise programs available for free.

    Good luck!  

  7. Hire a personal trainer. He/she can develop a proper exercise and diet plan to get you the most fit in the least amount of time without risking your health. If you follow the guidelines set up for you based on the goals you tell your trainer you will have a support system and a professional helping you out.

    Also, talk to your seamstress about how much she can alter the dress. Though not common, it is sometimes possible to alter UP a size.

    Crash diets, drugs, maniacal exercise routines and bulemia are NOT good options lol.

    Good luck!

  8. There was quite a similar question to this a couple of days ago.....;...

    My answer will be the same! Lol! I read in a bridal book once that, to save a couple of extra cm on a dress, dont wear underwear - it sounds bizarre, but for that extra little bit of space, you will be able to breathe and your chest should be well supported because it is tight! And bras tend to be quite bulky anyway, so you may be able to live without it :)

    Your other option would be to try and lose weight before the wedding - you still have nearly 2 months, so that would be loads of time!!  If you are breastfeeding your son, it tends to flatten out your b*****s, so this could well help! Good luck, I am sure it will be fine!

    Edit - I think I understand why I have got the thumbs down, probably becuase I have used the same answer. But I have done this because it is such a similar question, and putting the link gives you twice as many answers from people who arent online! Was just trying to give you lots of options :) Good luck

  9. when i did a high demanding course I lost alot of weight unintended but hes what i did

    make  sure you have a low fat breakfast e.g. cornflakes and readybreak is really good for you (do NOT skip this meal as you will eat loads at luch)

    eat often and little,  I was always eating on the go so i would have an apple at 10 ish and maybe a cereal bar thing just after luch time

    become very picky about food, smell fatty foods and make yourself feel that they taste terrible

    eat main meal very slowly, never eat after 7

    at leat 30 mins walking per day

    and sit-ups do 20 a day nomatter what and when you get a chance to do them, I had a wee pop belly and now its a pancake :)

  10. You can definitely get down in 7 weeks, particularly if you just don't quite fit.  I would not worry about investing some money in this, either, because getting a whole new dress is going to be a lot more expensive.  Join a gym, get a personal trainer, buy a book to keep track of your calorie/carb/fat intake, and invest in LOTS of fresh vegetables and good fruits (stay away from huge quantities of dried fruits).  Make sure you eat lean proteins, not too many enriched wheat products, and drink lots of water!!  Possibly invest in a good pair of spanx?  I know I am!

  11. No processed food, no carbs, lots of water and exercise  

  12. wow... well, are you breast feeding?  Because this can limit what you can do.  You don't want to cut your calories too much or take any pesky pills if you are going to pass that along to your baby.

    My suggestions for a quick few pounds lost is to go on a whole foods detox.  It only takes a week and every time I've done it I have lost about 6 lbs. (I have included it at the bottom of my response).  After that, you will probably want to count your calories... stay between 1200 and 1500 a day.  And finally, remember to drink LOTS of water!  It is imperative that you stay hydrated!!

    Good luck and congratulations!!!


    Day 1:

    24 hour fast.  Drink only water or hot water with lemon juice.  Start and end the day with hot water with lemon juice.

    Day 2 - Day 7:

    Eat as much raw food as possible for the rest of the week. Gently steam or stir-fry vegetables for just a few minutes, until they are tender – but only just – to preserve their nutritious goodness. Also aim to eat a variety of fruits, salad and other vegetables every day.

    Detox action plan

    •  Begin your detox at the weekend or during a time when you don’t have too much going on.

    •  Walk for at least 15 minutes every day.

    •  Drink at least 2 liters of water a day – You can also drink dandelion coffee or herb teas.

    •  Don’t be surprised if you feel worse for a couple of day before you start to feel better. This is especially likely if you are eliminating foods to which you are dependant.

    •  Take a double dose daily of quality multivitamin/mineral supplements, plus two 1,000 mg vitamin C capsules and antioxidant complex.

    Eat in abundance:

    Fruit: Apricots



    Citrus fruits






    Red grapes.



    Brussels sprouts


    Red cabbage







    Eat in moderation:

    Grain- (2 daily)

    Brown rice




    Fish- (1 daily)






    Extra-virgin olive oil (cooking)

    Cold-pressed seed oils (dressings)

    Nuts and seeds- (1 handful daily, unsalted)


    Brazil nuts



    Sunflower seeds

    Sesame seeds

    Potatoes (1 every other day)

    Bananas (1 every other day)

    Avoid: All wheat products

    All meat and dairy produce (including eggs)

    Salt and any food containing it

    Hydrogenated (Trans) fats

    Artificial sweeteners

    Food additives/preservatives

    Fried foods


    Dried fruit

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