
My wedding is in a month, should I stop the pill now or right before the wedding and honeymoon?

by Guest32766  |  earlier

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I've been on the pill for a couple years straight, and over 10 years off and on. I don't really remember the first month off when I got off in the past. I want to get pregnant right away. If I stay on the pill, I'll have my period the week before my wedding. I don't know if I should stay on another month just in case or get off now and hope for the best?




  1. I would say stay on until the day after your wedding or honeymoon. Just to be on the safe side.  

  2. Continue using birth control until you've been married for at least a year. It is best to learn how to be married before you can consider learning how to be a parent.

  3. Stay on the pill to keep your period on track to miss the wedding/honeymoon.  If your period starts as planned the weed prior to the wedding, do not go back on the pill that month.  You may luck out and conceive during the honeymoon, and if not you would be on track for the future.

    If you stop the pill now, you run the risk of the period getting off schedule and being an inconvenience during the wedding/honeymoon.

    Good luck!

  4. You should be off the pill at least a month before trying to get pregnant.

  5. Well Dose he want to have a kid right away. I see that you mentioned you did but nothing about him. If he dose then go ahead and stop taking the pill a week before you wedding it will work out of your system in a week. But its all on what you 2 decide

  6. Well, I can say for me, I got off the pill and within 1 week after that last period I was pregnant... apparently it was a good thing I was on the pill because I had no idea how fertile we both were. If you are planning on getting pregnant, start a prenatal now so that you are prepping your body for it. You also want to automatically stay away from smoking and drinking just in case. We wanted to "start trying" and ending up knocking it out right off the bat... but remember not every couple is going to get pregnant quickly. Also, I'd give the married life a little while first... unless you have been together for a long time. =)Good Luck! Congratulations! and STAY POSITIVE!!

  7. I'd say stay on the pill for your wedding, but skip the sugar pills so you can skip the period the week before your wedding - it'll be a stressful enough time as it is without added PMS. Also, if you went off the pill now, any previous hormonal issues could come back and cause problems during the wedding and honeymoon. Plus, if you skip the last few sugar pills, then (unless you're on seasonale or something) you'll have three weeks of pills left after then - one week to the wedding, then the two after should be enough to cover the honeymoon. Then, after that, you can go off them like normal. I'm guessing from what you said that your husband isn't really picky about the exact timing of when you go off the pill, just that you go off it as soon as is realistic, but you should probably run it by him just to make sure.

  8. I would  talk to him before you go off the pill and discuss it. I think he would take it alot better that you would like to get off the Pill then you going to him after wards and say Hunny I am off the Pill and I am pregnant and your my babys daddy.

         So please talk to him before doing anything to see what his feelings are, that is what is a marrige is about talking discussing and planning.  Good Luck let me know what happens.

  9. You're most fertile as soon as you get off the pill. Keep taking them, and when it comes time for the wedding continue to take that pack that you're on. Finish off that pack, and BOOM! It will happen! Personally speaking, I do think you should enjoy being married without the pitter-patter of feet for a little while at least. Once the pitter-patter of tiny feet comes, you and your husband will not be able to enjoy each other as much! (I am a mom of 2) Good luck!

  10. YOU want?  And was this a mutual decision?  If so, it is not a good one.  Married couples need time to adjust, and pregnancy within the first year doubles the risks of divorce within five years.  Wait until your first anniversary -- IF you both agree.  

    And use another method of birth control for six months or more after quitting the pill so your body can readjust its own hormonal balances.  You'll foul up your body's chemistry if you don't.

  11. The question is, does he want a baby right away?

  12. I would not change anything before the wedding. A month isn't going to make a difference - just stay on the pill until after the wedding, and then you can go for the change of scenery.

  13. BAD IDEA  First this is a decission that needs to be discussed with your partner BEFORE YOU TAKE ANY ACTION.  It is also his decission if he wants to become a father so soon after becoming a husband. For you to make this joint decission all on your own is not something you would want anyone to do to you so do not "surprise" him.  Men do not like surprises like that.

      You do not want to get pregnant right away.  This is a mistake many brides make, many with the unconscious idea of locking down the deal with a baby to keep the guy.  It doesn't work and it can cause problems that can never be fixed.

    Having a baby will change your life and how you live.  You will be applying mega pressure to a newly fitted bond.  At best it will never solidify properly at worst the pressure will break the bond and it will all fall apart.  Then an innocent child will also have its life ruined in the process.

    If the relationship is going to stand there is not need for this lock, if it is not fated to be lasting, no number of children is going to make the bond stronger it will just add more tiny tender hearts tho the train wreck you will have created by too hasty jump from one life stage to another.

    You need to enjoy the time alone with your husband  working on the difficulties that are going go come up once you say I do.  There are expectations on each side that can never come to be if a baby is thrown into the mix.  This time of honeymoon, this period when the lovers live together without the responsibility and stesses brought on with parenthood, this is when you solidify the bond that you hope to build a family upon.  Children do not create a family,  You must do that with your mate before you add children to the mix.  This is your decission so think hard and chose wisely, this is one decission that you can never undo and it can and WILL change your life and the relationship.  No hurry  forever is longer and shorter than you can imagine at this point in the journey.

  14. I would stay on for don't want to risk getting your period on your big day. Then AFTER your honeymoon I would go off and then, goodluck!  

  15. Gosh, what is is with all the moral lecturers here.

    The question is when should I stop the pill, not about babies after marriage.

    ANYWAY, take a month off the pill before trying to get pregnant and your body adjusts to its normal cycle. Depending of how old you are and how long you have been taking the pill, the production of viable eggs may vary. Some people take a month, some others up to a year.

    Enjoy! Congratulations!

  16. Check the insert that came with your pills. Every prescription for oral contraceptives I've had (three different types) gives a length of time to wait between going off the pill and getting pregnant. I think you might not have enough time to safely get pregnant as soon as you get married if you go off now.

    As for the other, ask your fiance. I discussed with mine because as it stood I would have had my period a few days after the wedding, and we agreed that I'd shift later by a day every pack just so we had a few more days to *ahem* discover things.

  17. its up to you.i know when i was on the pill and when i stopped taking it i got pregnant like two months later.but you probably should wait till after your wedding

  18. yes...i would say it will be better. After you got married you could stop the pill

  19. I would wait till after you were married.  

  20. well if you get off the pill, there's a chance that your period could be messed up and possibly be on it during your wedding and/or honeymoon. however, if you want to get pregnant right away, get off it now and risk being on your period for the wedding. personally, i would stay on it for another month (to make sure i wasn't on it for the wedding) and just get pregnant the next month. good luck and congrats!

  21. At least another year.

  22. Yeah, I think you should just wait until after the wedding just in case.  You never know what you're body is going to do as a result of going off your birth control.

    Hey people:  The fact that she wants to start trying for a baby soon after marriage is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.  geez.

  23. Have you talked to your future husband about this? Does he want kids right away? He needs to have a decision in this too.  

  24. I would stay on the pill until after your wedding.  My friend stopped taking it 2 months before her wedding and ended up pregnant when the wedding came.  She felt so sick at her reception!  What's an extra couple of weeks?  

  25. You should stay on it. What does your future husband say about all this?  You need time to get to know each other and a baby will really complicate things. I know from first hand knowledge. It was really hard trying to be newlyweds and do all this stuff plus have a baby not even a year later! Wow, if I could do it again, I would and wait for about 5 years first!

  26. Can I just recommend something?

    Please please please talk to your fiance and then your doctor first!

    If you've been on the pill for that long, then you may react really differently all of a sudden (your skin, mood, period, etc).... Just make sure you're aware and know what to do in case.

    All the best.

  27. It may be in your best interest to stop taking the pill now. You want to give your body the chance to purge itself of the drug in your system. Also, if you and your future husband have discussed and agreed on the subject of children, then Go For It!!

  28. How long have you been taking the pill. It can take a year or more to become pregnant after you stop taking it. Although it didn't for my mom, it happens to alot of people I know. If you've been taking it for 5+ years, it's almost a gimmie.

    You should stop taking it now. But don't hold your breath on getting pregnant.

    I will wish you the best of luck though! :)

  29. I would wait til after the honeymoon because you could have spotting or something unexpected happen.  

  30. Personally I would stay on it until after the wedding just cuz I don't want to get my period anytime around then! Menstrual breakouts, bloating, yuck! You don't need that right before your wedding. You can get pregnant as soon as you stop taking it, don't worry.  

  31. P-l-e-a-s-e call your doctor's office.

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