
My wedding is very soon and I am soo stressed!! Help on how to deal?

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My wedding is VERY soon and for the past few weeks, I have been so stressed that I dropped 1 pant size and I am not getting any sleep.Advice on to deal with all the stress??

What did you do or what are you doing to deal with the stress




  1. You need to remember that you are the only one who is so obsessed with the details of making it "oh so perfect."  Your friends and family will be there to celebrate and support you whether the flowers are pink or yellow, whether or not the ribbons are hanging correctly, whether or not the candles are lit "just so," and all that.

    Let go of some of the details--no one else will know, and if you act like the day is perfect, so will everyone else.

    If there are relationships that are stressed over this, take an afternoon to meditate and forgive everyone and then ask them for their forgiveness, too.

    A wedding, is after all, less than one day.  You will not remember 80% of the details in five years.  If people would worry only one-tenth as much about their marriage as they do about the wedding, fewer marriages would fail.  You are going to face situations a million times more stressful in the next twenty years, so learn now what's important and focus on it.

  2. Just breathe and don't sweat the small stuff. Weddings are supposed to be memorable and fun, so don't let it stress you out in any way. Enjoy this period in your life!

  3. Get a stress ball

  4. 1st of all] CONGRATULATIONS!!

    2nd] Go to a spa or something!!

    3rd] or have a "ME" day

  5. Take a break from wedding planning. I know it is hard to even think about doing, but do it. I just got married May 10th and I was EXTREMELY STRESSED. Ask my husband he had never seen me this way before. Take a weekend or even a week and get away. Don't talk about wedding stuff or even do anything that has to do with weddings. Have fun. Go to the movies, take some long walks, get a massage, just something that you haven't done in a while. I did this and if felt good to get rid of some of that stress. I was in better shape afterward and you can think more clearly. Good luck and congrats.

  6. make a list of what you are worried about.  Make a star next to the items that are giving you the most stress.  how much of it can you do something about?  Try and see if you can identify some of the problems.  Time crunch?  Worried about a vendor?  Concerned about details?

    Maybe trying to streamline some of the things would help.  Set aside a couple of outfits for your showers and outings so you don't have to think of what to wear.  Ask your Mom or MOH to make a few phone calls, or assign them a duty.  My Mom was in charge of the florist.  

    Weddings lately seem to really stress the details.  It's the details that can drive you crazy.  Do your best to get the big things right... photos taken, food and cake at reception, dresses for your wedding party, flowers for everybody.  Then, go with the flow.

  7. Take the weekend off of wedding planning & get away, either with your hubby or maybe your girlfriends.  Whatever you think will help.

    Once you've spent some time away, I think you will be ready to tackle the details you have left.

    Finally, delegate as much as you can and try not to sweat the small things. Good luck!

  8. Delegate, delegate, delegate.

    Refuse to be upset.

    Schedule massages.

  9. First of all, eat! Something healthy and tasty. Take a chill pill. I'm a nutritionist and I deal with a lot of brides who are so stressed that they drop weight like crazy, and some of them even start to get so stressed their hair falls out! So, the key is to make sure, even through stress, that you are eating healthy. Ok, now what we tell all of our brides (and what I'm sure I'll be told by my coworkers soon enough) is to relax and take at least a day off every week and do something non wedding related. It's hard with the big wedding crunch, but it's something that needs to be done. Stress can cause health problems. When you get overwhelmed with something, if you can, just get up and walk away for a few minutes. And remember the reason you're doing all of this. You aren't having a wedding just to have a wedding, you're having a wedding to marry the man you love. Try not to let yourself get stressed out. You should do your best to walk away and get your head clear when something becomes too overwhelming. And like I said, just take at least one day a week where the wedding doesn't even come up in a conversation! When someone asks about the wedding on that day, just say something like "Sorry, this is my day off from planning so I'd really like to discuss it another time". Good luck and congratulations!

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