
My wedding videograher disappeared without giving me my video. How can I find him?

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The videographer's name was Chuck Mello and his website was He came to my wedding and has footage of it. We paid him in full and after the wedding, when I tried to get in touch with him, his cell phone and business phone were shut off and he was not responding to any email. All I want is my wedding video!




  1. Honestly, if you want your video you should contact Judge Judy.

    I'm not joking. One time Sears cheaped out on some appliance repair that they had to do and so we contacted Judge Judy via e-mail, they called us, and then they called Sears and it must've scared them because they did everything else for free!

    No one wants to be taken to court to be humiliated by Judge Judy. Seriously!

  2. yea, like the others said, sue him

  3. Eeesh, dont wanna sound like a b*tch but maybe you shouldnt have paid in full till you recieved it? :( Bad times. But my recommendation would be to go to the police with all of the info you have. They have amazing technology these days, like tracking mobile phones etc. Maybe someone else is in the same situation and the police are already in the middle of tracking him down? You wont know till u ask. Go there asap and tell them the situation! Good luck with it, I hope you get your video back

  4. you would have to take it to court if you cant find him.  there is a good chance of never getting the footage or your money back at this point.

    Take him to small claims, someone must be able to find him

    I emailed a photographer that I had seem him listed on her page to see if she had a contact.

  5. sue him

  6. Contact the police

  7. do you know anyone that knows him?

    ask them for his number. is his number not on the website? ...

    ask around to people.

    look it up in the phone book if hes located close to you, you might be able to find him.

    hope you get your wedding tape!!!

  8. well i'm guessing he was probably completely ripping you off. nasty frauds

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