
My weight??????????????

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i wanna loose weight as im going on holiday in 3 weeks so is there any healthy filling meals no meat under 300 calouries that i can make




  1. make a chiken and mayo wrap. not tooo much mayo though! just to let you know though, you must either chooose a no cal. diet or a no fat diet bc either way; your going to have one or the other. but as far as the diet thing goes, i know one i went on it and i lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks, no joke! its soooooo HARD THOUGH! you have to be totally comited! i sorta got addicted to it! wich is NOT a bad thing; u should also think about walking on a treadmill or just around the streets in your neiborhood for around 30 min. to an hour every day. ok now im off track i forgot to tell you the diet!

    welll anyways the diet is called the atkins diet.

  2. Special K cereals are good. So are the 100 calorie packs. But you need vitamins so eat a LOT of fruits and vegetables. If you get very very hungry and you don't want to go over an amount of calories for the day, munch on a bag of carrots ( I do it all the time! ) Or you could try grapes or something of the sort.

    Good luck!


  3. a high protein diet will help. i'd really recommend a "South Beach" type carbs, lots of lean meat with fruits and veggies. and, of course, exercise

  4. Drink big glasses of water. Just drink lots of water and you will be less hungry and it will fill you up.

  5. try eggs. they are full of protein and are healthy for you.

    also play around with tofu. a lot of people dont like how mushy it can be, but you can buy a firmer kind.  

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