
My weight watchers allowance?

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I'm 5'11 thirteen years old and weigh 200 lbs whats a daily allowance of points using the weight watchers system?




  1. according to "my quiktrak"...while you are:

    200-224 lbs. you get 26 pts.

    175-199 is 24

    150-174 is 22

    anything below 150 is 20

    remember though to eat healthy and don't cheat on the portions....basically, weight watchers is reteaching correct portion sizes.

    Since you are only to your doc first b/c there are certain things you need more of that adults don't (i.e. calcium).

  2. Weight Watchers does offer a special program for those under age 16, but I think you would be ok using the adult formula. You may even want to add a few extra points each day, the younger you are the more points you can have.

    To find your daily points allowance, give yourself the number of points listed next to the option that fits your situation best:

    Your s*x:

    If you are female- score 2 points

    If you are male- score 8

    If you are nursing- score 12

    Your age:

    17 to 26- score 4

    27 to 37- score 3

    38 to 47- score 2

    48 to 58- score 1

    Over 58- score 0

    Your current weight:

    Enter the first 2 digits of your weight in pounds. If you are 175 lbs for example, you would enter "17".

    Your height:

    under 5'1"- score 0

    5'1" to 5'10"- score 1

    Over 5'10"- score 2

    Your activity level on most days of the week, how do you spend your day?:

    sitting down- score 0

    occassionally sitting, but mostly standing- score 2

    walking most of the time- score 4

    doing physically hard work most of the time- score 6

    Add up all your scored points- that is your daily points target.

    As you celebrate your birthday, increase your daily activity, or as you lose weight, you will need to keep retaking this quiz to most accurately figure your points allowance

    For a FREE points calculator visit:

    **Plus you get an extra 35 weekly points that can be used however and whenever you like**

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