
My westie puppy of 7 months has bad diarreah and is vomiting constantly what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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so my pup is vomiting and has diarrhea and alot this morning he went al over the living room in a straight line about 3 feet long all over the carpet

he has been vomiting everywhere and he hasn't had anything changed in his diet recently , he doesn't eat people food , and he hasn't had an excessive amount of puppy treats does anyone know what i should do because my vet is closed and we don't have an emergency number either we need some advice id like to say thank you to everyone that helps in advance.




  1. Call the vet, even though they are closed, because most will have a message about what to do in an emergency.  The first thing that comes to mind is parvo if he hasn't had all his shots (he should have had 3-4 sets of shots).  Regardless of what caused it, severe vomiting and diarrhea can be life-threatening in a small dog like this. It can't wait until Monday.

  2. Your pet needs to get to a vet urgently .... can you ring an emergency line or the operator and find out a vet that's open .... sometimes your vet's will have details like these - call 'out of hours service'..... this is an extremely dangerous situation for your puppy  - loss of too much fluid (through the diarrhoea and vomitting) could kill it....... keep the puppy warm, clean it up as soon as it messes (it can't help it) and get it to the vets ... see if you can get it to drink water or if you can drop feed some water .... it needs urgent attention.....

  3. uh....take it to the vet duh!

  4. Get your phone book out and go right down the line and call different vets until you find one that will come in and see your pup.  He should be looked at

  5. Look up other vets in your area. That's what we had to do with our dog, because he was old and having seizures. They were very nice and helpful, so try that first. If you can't find a vet nearby, than take him to a PetSmart or Petco store, as they will likely help also. Have you been giving him any medication? Some medicines can do that to dogs. Good Luck! I'm sure your baby will be fine:)

  6. It sounds like parvo, I would find an emergency vet. Parvo is deadly without treatment.

  7. take him to petsmart or pet co and they will help you. the same thing happened to my puppy and they told me  what to do and gave me a medicine

  8. I have a Westie and he's always had a senstive stomach. But your pup could have a virus or worms. Is the vomit yellowish in color? If yes, that would be bile, which isn't good.  Try to keep him hydrated.  Give him little bits of water at a time.  Cook some plain rice and feed that to him, also.  Is there a vet in a neighboring town?  He should be seen ASAP.  

  9. Start to feed the little guy a bland diet (boiled rice and chicken) and get him/her to the vet as soon as possible.  Make sure he/she takes in fluids as dehydration can be an issue with diarrhea.  

  10. Take him to the vet before you lose him - he's sick.

      Call your vet's number - he should have an emergency clinic on the recording or the service.

    If not, look up 'emergency veterinarians' and your zipcode or the nearest large town or city by you.  Something should come up.

      If you find it, and your veterinarian's service did not have anything to offer in off-hours, I would get a another vet.  You should ALWAYS have a place to go.

      But whatever you find, take your dog there - he needs to go, now.

      Good luck-

  11. bring it to a veteranarian

  12. Find an emergency vet clinic in your area.  

  13. You need to find a vet with an emergency number to call.  Look in the phone book/yellow pages.  If you don't get it some help it may not make it until tomorrow.

  14. try a different vet in a nearby town,your pup is in need of medical attention.

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