
My white cat was poisoned, a week later another white cat was killed.?

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my neighbor found both of them in his front yard, they were both left in the same position ( on their side) and neither of them were bruised or cut. there are a lot of other cats in my neighborhood and none of them have died. i think that one of my neighbors thinks they are some satanic symbols or something but i don't know.




  1. If it really were some type of satanic cult, the cats would have been marked, and even dismembered.

    This seems to be the result of some demented person, perhaps a younger person.  This should be reported to both the SPCA and the police.  These are crimes that have been committed.

    That both were found in one person's yard is a clue, as the killer is seeking to traumatize that neighbor.

    The other cats in the neighborhood should be kept inside.  If they are roaming cats, then just be vigilant.

  2. Creepy. Maybe it's an omen? They're the opposite of black cats so that might mean something.

  3. people should keep their cats inside

  4. I'm sorry for your loss.

    People use poison to treat for a variety pests and that poison can accidentally kill cats. And products like anti-freeze can drip or be left out which can also lead to accidental poisonings.  If someone is growing lilies those and other plants could have also poisoned the cats.

    It could be intentional too, but I'm not sure how you would track down the person responsible unless you know of any local cat haters.

    I doubt it was a cult.  I agree that they probably would have been marked, but I suppose you never know.

    The best plan is to keep kitties inside.  Accidental and intentional poisonings are among the many dangers outside (and inside if owners keep anything toxic around). Many things are poisonous that people don't think about and you can't count on your neighbors to clean up just for the benefit of someone else's pet.

  5. If your cat was poisoned and another was killed it is a matter for the policing authority, either the police or the SPCA in your area.

    Call and report it and catch the coward that is doing this to helpless animals. Don't let him get away if you can help it.

  6. wow. that is FREAKY!

  7. then phone the police or the r.s.p.c.a and report it.

  8. Sick minded people are doing this. The only thing you can possible do is put signs everywhere saying 'KEEP YOUR WHITE CAT/KITTEN INSIDE, OR THIS WILL HAPPEN' Then show a pic !

    Ring the RSPCA, and the police to find this freek !

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