
My white friend from Zimbabwe is technically an African-American...?

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and qualifies for minority scholarships because she was forced out of her home by the government (on threat of death).

What do the democrats think about europeans getting minority scholarships? Will Obama try to remove this right from her?




  1. Minority scholarships are not automatic; getting one is not a right.  Your friend will still have to apply for a minority scholarship like any other form of financial support.  Also, I doubt your contention your friend is African-American.  A white living in Zimbabwe would be American-African or European-African.

  2. Not only technically, she is, and she should apply to advance with affirmative action. There is some hope in the IQ pool. Regarding European -Americans: right now they are still a majority, otherwise the country would have already lost its standing in the world.  

  3. The Democrat policies are based on the color of someone's skin, which is descrimination.  The Republican Party ended slavery and brought civil rights to blacks in the US.  The Democrat Party fought to keep slavery legal, the Democrat Party including Al Gore Sr. fillibustered in the Senate to deny blacks civil rights and they still support and elect Klu Klux Klan Grand Dragon Democrat Robert Byrd to the Senate every year.

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