I haven't been married very long and I'm not very experienced at housekeeping. So far in our marriage Ive just been chucking all the laundry into the washing machine without separating, pre-treating or any of that. I was very busy and this worked for a while. Now I am at home full time because we are pregnant and I will give birth soon, and I'm nesting. So I was doing the laundry the other day and realized all the whites look awful. The worst are my husband's socks and underwear. They are grey, dingy, some look discolored and stained (sorry tmi) and of course, he doesn't really care cos if they've been washed they're clean. He doesn't mind stains. But I'm terribly embarrassed that Ive not taken care of this! So... Ive been soaking and bleaching and soaking and washing all the whites. No change! I'm using Clorox no-splash bleach. Some of the socks are nice and white but the rest of it, just looks exactly the same.
What can I do because obviously the bleach isn't working. Or am I just not doing it right? Is there any hope for the underwear or should I chuck them out and get new ones? (Structurally they are still good)
Thanks in advance