
My whole group..especially me had a pretty harsh (bad) reputation last to clean up our image?

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(continued) Last year I've been known to be really mean to other people along with the rest of my group, we've all been pretty antisocial with the other kids we are less familiar with. In my opinion people probably thought of our group as the 'queen bee wannabes'. And I really don't want that anymore, &&i'm tired of the whole rebellious act and I guess the other girls in my group feel the same way, since people are (of course) being mean and rude right back at us, acting cruel just as we have.

How can we like somehow turn this whole thing around and crush people's views about us about being mean and all, without looking like total idiots or *** kissers or something?




  1. well it easy what ever u have done wrong with other people just ask them to forgive u well a real true person is that who admit his mistake & if any one is rude to u.than just give him a smile & go to him 1st & ask him to become ur friend well make ur friends every where& don't upset them well just try this out this is known as Ghandhigiri in India who was a great man wel if any one slaped him he gave his sceond check to slap & told what ever u wana do u do ill do always right & at last Britishers left India free & India become free well it is 61years ago

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