
My wife & I can't stand each other I stay in my office until bed. Apt. comes with my job how do I get her out?

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We have been living seperately for going on 2 years. She sleeps on the sofa, I have the bedroom, we don't talk, I gave her all the income tax refunds including the stimulus, not signing until she has an apartment. They are still uncashed. I stay in my office until bed, I eat all my meals in my office. I just sleep in the apartment. How can I get her out? I need a life, I haven't had one in a long time.




  1. You may have to file for separation and take it from there.  I wonder if you could formally evict her, being that the apartment is your name, etc.

  2. Sounds like you need to reconnect with your wife or get a divorce.  As the man, you are the head of this marriage and your family.  The fact that things are going so bad just shows that you are not doing your job as a husband, and possibly a father.  You should not be retreating to your office.  You should be taking her out to dinner.  You should be talking to her and working out your problems.  Now man up.  Go give your wife a hug and your marriage another chance.

  3. Talk to her!  You can't communicate these sorts of things without sitting down and having a conversation.  Talk to her about how things have been and how you want them to change.

  4. You say, "get out". Why would she want to stay? That's just weird.  

  5. Go to the farm store and buy a pair of boots.  Put them on, go home and use them*

  6. you can't get her out. until you file for divorce or get a divorce she owns half of everything.

  7. why are you still married?  Get a divorce!  Move out!

  8. Dunno. maybe you need lawyers.

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