
My wife always shows more love with their parents than me. She is not feeling me as husband and a family.?

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I took all the steps after dicussing with some expert., she does not know out side the world. she does not know this is seperate family with twin kids. I stopped advicing her. Then I spoke to thier parents to show some distance and avoid frequent phone calls. so that she will feel that our family is different from her parents family.

I know very well that if they reducing / avoid making call very often and avoid taking call from my wife. They are not understanding my feelings and calling her even when we are in bed in night. More than half of the days staying her home with in two years.

she will not metured and she is Frog from a Well. At the same time, small problem becomes big due to making phone call communication. I explained all my feeling. Her parents are not understanding feeling. Also I requested their relative to explain my feeling to thier parents.

Finally, I requested her father, You act for 2 months as if you are showing distance from your daughter and avoid calling very often. and please give a call once in 15 days. But he replied I can't show distance with my daughtor.

Now a day I am very angry with her parents, Can you please suggest how can i solve this problem. When i take this problem outside, they are feeling shame and trying to close this problem with in them.




  1. Stop trying to control her! Who are you to tell someone who and whom and when they can communicate with the ones they love?...You want your wifes attention than deserve it by not acting like an insecure fool! She probably resents you for resenting her family! People can love more than one person at a time! Stop being so me me me, and she may actually pay attention to you...Nobody likes needy and insecure people...

  2. the relationship between a husband and wife is the best and highest one on this side of heaven.please be patient,talk to your wife.i think u need not talk further to her parents regarding this.explain to her would take time,but u need to tell her.wishing u a beautiful unhindered relationship that lasts till eternity,with your wife.allow her to talk to u,let her express her feelings and sort it out together,as a family

  3. we cannot help u but maybe if you talk to your wife she can give you the answers that you are looking for

  4. Instead of you going yourself, to talk to some expert about your marital problems, why don't you take your wife with you??

    Personally, I would hate it if my husband went behind my back and talked to someone else about our problems, expert or not.

    I would advise you to talk to your wife, if you can't do that and you find the advice of people who don't know you and your wife at all but are instead trained and have "expertise" in the marriage field, then you, my friend, not your wife has the problem.

    If your wife does not know what is going on, how can she help you help your marriage???

    Talk to your WIFE not some so-called "expert".

  5. Just be understanding.  Maybe they have the close family ties relationship.  Why don't you be closer to them too rather than keep on  complaining more and more.. No offense but show love to her parents and someday she will realize how lucky she is to have a husband like you.  I think you have to adjust both of you and don't be too selfish of her being closer to her parents.  If you can't bit her join her.  Good luck!

  6. That was a little hard to understand but, first off you didn't say how long you've been married.  Sometimes it takes time to adjust to being independent.  And you have to remember, she has spent her whole life with her parents up until she married you, and it's a good thing that she's close to her parents.  You may need her parents from time to time don't make that relationship estranged. But it's up to her to talk to her parents and tell them not to call all the time or at night, not you.  Apparently it doesn't bother her, so it probably won't change until she stands up to them.  

  7. This is unwanted infatuation.

    This shows lack of common sense and lack of understanding of reality of life.

    This happens more if their parents living in the same city or town. Parents of both side should know that the newly married couple require privacy for some years. This happens because of their untrained brain and different philosophy. This minimum knowledge is not their with many people. Whether your wife is the only daughter. if so, you will face more problem. When she gets one or two children, she may change.Wait for the time. Time is the solution.

    or a day will come, you may resort to divorce.

    How about your parents? You are silent about them.

    I was very fortunate, that my wife did not do such things. I never allowed my parents to dominate and show their selfishness. You have to take some serious steps and teach your wife and her parents how to behave - no matter what.

  8. You will find this a lot with today's wives. They are young and silly and for the most part are not prepared for the rigors of marriage and spending their lives with a man.  This is due to poor guidance and over protectiveness by their mothers.

    Keep being there for her and occassionally remind her, her place is at home with her family and her loyalty needs to be 100% to her immed family. She'll come around once reality slaps her upside the head.

    Whatever you do, do not try to compensate for her short comings or make life so so easy for her, that's her problem to begin with, she's been babied all of her life. Let her get her nose bloody a little from the realities of a married life, this will help develop her as a woman and she will begin to step up, she will also in time learn to respect you more than you ever thought possible.

  9. My wife is 100% copy cat of yours...she has time to talk to her sister and mother daily for 1 hr. to 30 mins but don't have time to call health insurance for unpaid bills...and many other issues like this ....this is my guess...people like this are control freak....has no social status and people don't like them....they should not let thier daughter's stay with them for rest of htier life rather then messing up some one's else's inl-aws are 100% same as your frog of well.....i bet you if your wife's sister in law behaves like this then this kind of selfish people will not like and they will tell her to stop phone calls every day....if it was not for kids i would divorcee her.....selfish people like this will never change and will be up to you to decide if u want to live you whole life like this or divorcee her......  

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