
My wife and I are 30 years old and make a combined income of $180K a year. Is that considered above average?

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We live in the nyc/nj area.




  1. uh.... yeah.

  2. i find it hard to believe that you make that kind of money yet don't know the average salary in your area. Unless the wife make 160,00 a year and you throw in the rest. Open a newspaper once in a while

  3. go to and enter your information, it will tell you (for free) if that is the norm in NYC area. If my husband and I made $180K in the area we live in, that's WAY above average....but from what I understand, NYC has a LOT higher cost of living than the rest of the country. It costs more to live there, so you make more $....

  4. Sounds like you're living above average to me. Can I have some money?

  5. ya think?

  6. In NYC you're middle class. Nothing more.

  7. Yep.  Would you adopt me and my wife as your kids and my son as your grandson?  We will work for food and shelter.

  8. Buddy, it is not what you make.  It is what you keep.

    At that income, you should be able to retire in 17 to 23 years, depending upon the stock market and other types of investments.

    Regardless of your income, consider protecting those assets you currently have.   NJ is known for its corruption.  NY is about to lose the governor (who will be replaced by an incompetent liar).  Your income may be lost, as well as your assets.

    Excuse the warnings.  This is my field of study.

  9. According to Hillary Clinton you are RICH. And it's about time you start paying your fair share of taxes.

  10. Yes and stop bragging on yourself.  Shows you may have money, but no class.

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