
My wife and I are thinking about naming our newborn son Cyrus. What do people think? We love it.

by Guest44586  |  earlier

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We're Jews and both of us are professors of antiquity.




  1. The thing that immediately came to mind was "Cyrus the Virus"

  2. dont do it. poor kid will hate it ... cute but not for a kids name \\

    im being honest sorry

  3. everyone wont think of miley cyrus. if u both love it go with it. i thnk its a cute boy name

  4. I think that would be nice, since it means something to you both! =)

    Many are going to think about Billy & Miley Cyrus, but I mean there are many people with that name and it is a free world so go ahead!

    Good Luck! <3  

  5. The name Cyrus is one of my favourites. Being a name from classical civilisation, it has a certain timeless appeal. The name suits your family particularly well, considering Cyrus the Great freed the Jews of Babylon and let them return to Israel. In addition, 'Cy' makes for a handsome contemporary nickname.

    Some people may associate the name with teen sensation Miley Cyrus. I wouldn't pay too much attention to this. The name is a classic, and will remain so even when this Disney star fades into obscurity.

    Cyrus has been rising in popularity, according to the U. S. American Social Security Administration. In 2007 the name reached #466. However,  it has not yet surpassed the name's peak in popularity; which occured in the year 1880 (this is as far back as most name data goes). This lends weight to the name having both old-fashioned charm and timeless appeal. To find out more about the popularity of the name Cyrus, check out these links:

    Scroll down to the section that says 'Popularity of a Name' and enter the name Cyrus, with the number of years being 130.

    Simply go to the 'search given names' box on the side, and type in the name Cyrus. Then the website will show you how popular the name Cyrus is in different parts of the world. From what I can gather, the name ranges from being uncommon to being rare in these countries: Canada, U. K, Belguim, Australia, the U.S.A. The only place where the name is considered common is in British Columbia.

  6. It has great meaning to you, maybe make it the middle name?

    It reminds me of those people Miley & Billy Ray Cyrus. I don't like them, or their names.

    xox- Julie

  7. You really want your kid to get beat up don't you?

  8. Cyrus is sweet and unique but it reminds me of Cyprus and if Miley Cyrus is still popular when he starts school, he may get bullied.

  9. well, if you dont want it confused with miley and billy ray, spell it Syrus or Syris.  Would that work?  It's a cute name

  10. Why does it matter what others think... If you love it and it means so much to you because of the meaning behind it, go for it!  When Cyrus gets old enough to understand, you can explain why his name is so special to you.  He's so privileged to be blessed with such loving parents.

  11. Cyrus is ok but what are you going to have as a middle name ?


  12. not really. i like Elijah better.

  13. if you both like it then do it its also unique which is nice do it loll  

  14. Not quite sure why your religion or professions would matter, but personally i love it!

    Edit: thanks for the info, Still love it

  15. I have a nephew who is 17 months old named Cyrus... it suits him so well...we also call him Cy which is very cute!

    love it!

    i read a few of the above comments about everyone associating it with billy ray and miley.... we totally don't and i don't know anyone who has at this point... plus i believe the hype about billy ray and miley will decrease sooner than later anyway!  i'd go with it!

  16. Erm, well Cyrus reminds me of Bill Ray and Miley Cyrus.

  17. Its cute and unique but people will think of Billy ray and Miley Cyrus

  18. I like it, too!

    I'm really into boys' names that end in an S.  Julius and Miles are my two favorites right now.  I've also had Cyrus, Marius, and Darius on my list.

    While the name is definitely ancient, it's not unheard of.  Cyrus the Great, of course, was a Persian emperor who signed an edict allowing the Jews to return to their homeland after years of captivity in Babylon.  Thus, the name is used by Jews, Persians, and Christians.  I like the fact that this name has appeal for variety of religions and ethnic groups.

    The name seems perfect given your religious and professional background.

  19. I really like the name.

  20. You love it?

    Then it doesn't matter what others think.

    I personally don't love it, but its not my kid :)

    Good luck. Go with your Gut!

    And to the girl who was saying miley cyrus, she may not even be famous much longer, and either way, that's irrelevant, and doesn't matter.  

  21. I love it, I think its so cute, it's "normal' but you dont hear it everyday, I would definitely go with it!

  22. I wouldn't do it for the same reason everyone else has pointed out. You might as well name him Billy Ray.

  23. NO everyone will think of miley cyrus!  trust me kids will make fun of him

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