
My wife and at the time girlfriend had our daughter when she was 17?

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Now are all of you pathetic people going to srat insulting my mother?




  1. i wouldn't

    plus don't we have to go after obama's mom too?

  2. How did that affect her run for the White House?

  3. Only the Obama supporters see this as an Issue, They forget Obamas mother was 18 yrs old unmarried

  4. I would, she had a retarded son.

  5. I'm an Obama supporter and I don't care about this issue.

    Also, I'm an unwed mom and my mother raised me perfectly well.  I made my own choices and I love my family.

    If there's anything to be concerned about regarding this's the fact that if her daughter became pregnant, she a) felt compelled to hide it.  and b) followed through with the lie...  Why lie?  How can the American people trust her if she's not forthright.  That's the issue.  Not family values, not bad mothering.  The deliberate cover up.

    anywho.  whatever.  I wasn't gonna vote for McCain in the first place.

    and I'm certainly not going to attack a stranger's mother over the internet.

  6. Is this mother you are referring to a politician? I don't understand your comparison.

  7. Absolutely not. The issue is not that a 17-year-old is pregnant out of wedlock.  The issue is that the child's mother is running for vice president of the US and stresses FAMILY VALUES!  This is code word, you know, for strict morals.  Apparently, she didn't counsel her daughter carefully and lovingly enough.

  8. No, dude! Almost all families have that kind of thing going on somewhere, but you were not on a national stage proclaiming the pearly white virtues of your family. We shouldn't get too excited about this s@#$. Some are going to say."See! The Palins are just like any other American family! They have trials and triumphs like we all do!". And some will say,"Look at how sinful these Palins are! They can't even control their minor children, how could they possibly be able to help govern a nation?" So goes the world of extremely hateful, yet passionate, politics.

  9. Why would any one want to insult your mother? What's she got to do with Palin?

  10. Uh, no, I'm not.

  11. well if her mom had told her to abstain until marriage because her religion said that using contraceptives is not the way god wants it, I'd be making fun of her mom too, wouldn't you?

  12. No, but I would not think your mother would be fit for public office if neither of your parents could teach you to use a rubber or keep your legs closed. Good luck negotiating with Iran and Russia.  

  13. This isn't about you.

  14. im not insulting u... ur mom isnt running for public office is she?

  15. Baracks mother had him that young too. She wasn't married, but the man that impregnated her was. To see Libs crack on the Palin's for the very same thing has made me laugh hysterically all day. My d**n mouth hurts, that I have been laughing so much.

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