
My wife and i are having a discussion on when men finally are mature?

by  |  earlier

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she says that less then 50 percent are mature at the age of forty .... i dont agree i think we just like to play while we are able... does this make us immature??? so what do you think the percentage is that are or not mature by the age of forty




  1. im 14 and my guy friend is to mature for me and  he does not know how to have fun

  2. huh um - well now, not to take sides or anything -




  3. for many yrs now, we have known for fact, that on the average girls mature faster than boys.

          As of about 5 months ago, the latest study says the average 24 yr old male has the maturity level of a 17 yr old girl.

          Sorry, that's as much as they dare to say, so you'll have to figure it out yourself, i'm not in the mood to make any more enemies than i may already have.

           Although, if it helps, why don't you do what most other guys do, consider yourself above average....problem solved ??

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