
My wife and me have just got a dog ,she is about 10 months old but she is not bonding very well with me?

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she has bonded more with my wife and will go any where with her (although a little nervous) but she will not follow me,my wife can get her lead on even though she does not like it but i have got no chance she will just run away and cower down,she does let me play games with her and also stroke her but at a distance, i need her to gain my trust and would like help in doing so as i am not going to give up with her, as i luv her to bits she is so nice and i hope i can win her round to exept me,





  1. Is she a rescue dog? Sounds like in the past she may have been treated badly by a man, and that's why she's like that. Some suggestions - Instead of your wife feeding her, YOU feed her. Also, maybe tempt her with treats. If you start taking her on all the walks too, that also helps.

  2. My neighbour has a dog that acts just like that around men (mistreated by ex-boyfriend).

    I have won it over by giving it bones (raw) everytime I cut up meat for a stir fry (pork grillers).

    She used to growl at me but now she wags her tail so hard her back end does the rumba.  

  3. try using treats to get her near you and just to get used to you. then when she gets more confident start to play with her and eventually you will be able to do what you want

  4. This dog may have had a traumatic experience with a male. You need to gain her trust in you. Most dogs will do anything for a doggy treat, when she lets you stroke her reward her with a treat. Teach her to sit, praising her with affection and treats. When you enter the room give her a pat on the head and a treat, she'll soon learn to see you as a good person that gives her treats and affection. Good luck!

  5. your dog may have traumas regarding male owners,...

    if you want her to be close to you,

    feed her,... put her food in her dish and call her to eat, wait for her to come but don't watch her closely,..

    take her out for walks and give her baths,...

    basically, you hafta do everything to make her like you,...

    and dogs always feel if you don't like them,..

    you hafta sound jolly, smile when you talk to her

  6. The best way to bond with a dog is to walk, walk, walk them.  You by yourself and don't speak to her.  Also start feeding her yourself.  You can move at her pace, but if your wife babies her when she is scared or avoiding you that is only going to make the behavior worse.  The walking is really critical though, ask any dog trainer/behaviorist.  Good luck!

  7. you just need to earn the dogs trust!... my family and i adopted a 4 year old dog a couple of years ago and when we got him he seemed to be scared of men but fine with women.. considering i have 4 brothers and me and my mum are the only females that obviously had to change!

    he use to cower, run away or hide behind me whenever any male came close to him, in the end my brothers (and my bf) had to earn his trust.. they started off by stroking him a bit more, feeding treats and then having one on one walks with him so they could bond alone.. as soon as more trust was built they played with him as well.. often going down the park so the dog could run around

    it takes time and it works, now my dog loves everyone and you would never believe he was the dog that was scared of everything when we got him!

  8. Take over her feeding for a while. Make sure its you who puts her food down for her over the next few weeks, and take her out for walks. Talk to her as often as possible, and after getting her to do simple things, such as to sit etc, reward her with a treat. As you said, she's happy to play with you, so when she's doing this, talk to her, and rewatd her. It won't happen in a day, but she will soon learn to love and trust you.

  9. my bf got on the floor and sniffed the dog when we first got her, and he acted like a dog, he was just trying to make me laugh but the dog likes him, give it treats, take it out in the morning, give it its food, play with it, rub the top of its nose.  

  10. With love patience and calm, she will.

    Where did you get her? It seems as though she has been ill treated my a male.

    Time is the one thing you must give her.

    Sit on the floor in the same room,with a few doggy treats . Do not approach her,just be calm and talk to her softly.Given time she will come to you and you can fuss her and tell her what a good girl she is.

    Take over the role from your Wife. You be the one who feeds and Walks her,Groom her, [brushing a dog is like a bonding process.] Once she realises she has nothing to fear, she will love you ten fold.

    Don't raise your voice to her at all, be consistent and firm in a kind way.

    Good Luck.

  11. She was most likely abused by a guy.  Take her to obedience class (without your wife), and spend time every day training her with lots of treats and lots of praise.  She'll feel much better if she is given clear directions from you and learns that she can please you, and she will become more confident all-around as time goes by.

    Best of luck.

  12. Is your wife the one that feeds her? My (late) dachshund spent the first three months of his life on a farm where the farmer kicked him. As a result he wouldn't go anywhere near males, especially my father. My father took over the feeding of him and suddenly he found himself to be very popular indeed!

    Also enrolling her in puppy school is a good way to bond with a dog and increase her confidence.

  13. get the Caesar book on dogs and he will explain everything about the dog learning to respect you as a pack leader.

  14. i got my sisters cat to love me and i think it might work with ya dog. Ok its easy to do. Fead it is food. Pat it and play with it but dont force him to play

  15. is she a nervous dog in general?  If so let her come to you, just be patient until she trusts you.  Sit near her but don't make eye-contact with her and just wait until she approaches you.  Don't try and put the leash on her or chase her with it until she trusts you.  

    Don't pet her whilst she is anxious as this will only reinforce her behaviour although it's tempting to try and give her comfort.

  16. its sounds to me that in her short life she has had a rough time she will come round give her treats and lots of kindness i am glad she is in a good home and good luck to you all

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