
My wife came back from Iraq 2months ago,she delivered a baby looks like Saddam.?

by  |  earlier

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would that something has to do with the sychological effects which occure during pregrancy.




  1. The military doesn't let pregnant women fight...was she just visiting Iraq in this time of war?  Is she a journalist or something?  Looks are genetic and don't have anything to do with psychological effects unless it's stress yielding a premature delivery.  What are you talking about??





  3. 10/10

  4. wait a minute..... Did she get pregnant over there?  I think it odd that she was not sent home asap after she got pregnant and I know they wouldn't have sent her over there if she were so I am not sure you are being honest.

  5. Your really gullible if you believe this...a pregnant woman in Iraq? Yea right.

  6. maybe she cheated are you from the same culture.

  7. keep the baby away from iraq, and he'll go back to normal

  8. yes, this is actually very common. Sometimes they baby even comes out wearing a turban, weird but true.

  9. probably looks just like it's father. i hope it's not a girl'.

  10. Dont think so...good luck with that

  11. omg.. throw it off a building

  12. Is this a joke?!?!? I mean seriously I come from a military background that would never happen!

  13. I highly doubt a pregnant woman would be fighting in Iraq.

  14. It had a big p**n star mustache and everything?

  15. I really dont think so. How long was she gone? And why was she deployed in Iraq while she was pregnant? She's in the military, right? Good luck...

  16. Does it have a beard?

  17. Yeah, I bet that's it.

  18. So she went to Iraq pregnant.... Just so you know the babies don't always look like the parents. The darkest skinned parents can have the lightest skinned child. This is the same with any other feature of any baby.

  19. You dont know if your baby looks like Saddam

    You dont even know what Saddam looked like as a baby

  20. maybe she ****** him

  21. lol i dont think so it's probably just your opinion

  22. I think she was Saddam-ized when she was over there.

  23. ummmm

    i dont think that has to do anything with that...

    the baby looks like it does because you and your wife made it


  24. umm is it your child? if it is then thats really weird

  25. saddam is dead so im guessing hes not the dad

  26. No, I'd say your wife either cheated or your imagining things. Get a DNA test and be sure to take the infant to her regular doctors appointments and point out any and all concerns you have. Good luck!

  27. I think it's A) your imagination and B) not a real question.  She has been home for two months, and delivered a baby.  The military would not keep a seven month pregnant woman overseas.

  28. thats crazy yo

  29. You mean the baby has a full beard?  How odd.

  30. I don't believe one word of that. A very pregnant woman fighting in Iraq? Yeah, right.

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