Here is the story.
I am stationed east coast. She is stationed west coast. We have not seen each other for a year. She had s*x with 4 different people multiple times while we have been stationed apart and she recently told me she got Herpes after feeling so much guilt and pain. She is also getting kicked out of the Marine Corp on BCD because she has now popped for weed, ecstasy, and coke 3 different times now.
Yes, yes I know she is ****** up in the head and I agree. That's why we're getting a divorce. She is in the brig right now for 180 days and wont get out till December but I want to contact her command and try to get her charged with this. I honestly don't care that she got herpes because I know I can still sleep at night knowing I don't have it and don't have to live with all the mess she's put herself through.
I do have proof she cheated and got herpes because she told me for one in a government email and I have multiple text messages saved from her, and also have her own statement, her mom's statement, and if they were to do a STD test for herpes on her and on me, they would find that she has herpes and I do not. And she cannot say she had it before the marriage because we both have been tested since we've been in the Marine Corp.
How do I go about doing this? Contact her Gunny in her shop because I know him or go straight to the Sgt Major even though I'm a Marine too?