
My wife delivered on 27th July, 2008 given two babes. One babe (Male) birth time is 12:49 PM and 12:50 PM (fe)

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My wife delivered on 27th July, 2008 given two babes. One babe (Male) birth time is 12:49 PM and 12:50 PM (fe)




  1. You've got two twins that will demand a lot of love and freedom and don't be surprised if they have an eccentric side. FReedom will be a key indredian in they're life. Just when one is behaving indifferent the other will act completely stable. Twins although born at the same time tend to mirror each other. One tends to withhold emotions the other acts out. It's an amazing teeter totter.  Moon in out...they are going to be DUAL (twins). ENJOY -- They will be showman!

    GEt more info below about the month of August!

  2. Congratulations  

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