
My wife did't file taxes 4 certain reasons from 04-06 we have done them & sent them but state didnt get it

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My wife did't file taxes 4 certain reasons from 04-06 we have done them & sent them but state didnt get it; the federal has it; it took the federal government 6 months to finally put it into their system; we call the state and they have nothing about us; then today we get a statement saying we owe 840 dollars in 2003 when she did file and she paid but the amount was only 450. What should I do; should I just resend 2004 thru 2006 with the payment and see what happens it seems like if they get a check something happens they are not going to throw away a check; the letter they sent us for 2003 we were only penalized 8 dollars for interest; I am not worried about paying the principle I just dont want to get hammered with interest and penalties. Any help would be appreciated; thanks




  1. Did the IRS give an explanation for the increase in 2003 taxes?  If not, you need to ask before sending payment.  Also, it is illegal for them to increase taxes on a filed form that is past 3 years, 6 months old.  I suggest you fill out Form 911, and ask for help from a Tax Advocate.  They are impartial, and can do great things.  Ask them to help you file out Form 4598 too.  That one is vital!!  

    Remember -- Federal Income Taxes apply ONLY to Federal Income which can ONLY be earned by living or working in a "federal area."  Their jurisdiction does not reach beyond this to any employment or income not involving them.

    As far as the state forms, did the state contact you?  If you have them, send them in again.

    RE MaxMom54's answer:

    The IRS will not penalize you for this - penalties only occur when any act is "willful" !!  You need not live in fear if you deal with this now.  As I said, a Tax Advocate can be most effective in assisting you.  They are very nice, and do not work for the IRS, but rather with them to find out what is happening, and why.

    Good luck!

  2. You should file any of the back years ASAP.  It is best to send them the amount due at that time.  Make sure that you are sending it to the correct place and with a request for a return receipt.  Several states have a different address for those that owe.  Once you have done that you should gather any proof that you sent the 2003 and money or that they received them and contact them.

  3. Each tax year should be in a separate envelope.  Otherwise differnet years can get mixed together and confusing (that has happened).

    Did any of those years have a check for payment, and did the check clear?

  4. You are going to hammered with penalties and interest.  You need to sit down with the IRS and find out what's going on with the 2003 return and negotiate down the penalties and interest.  You'll need to do the same with he state when they come calling.

  5. Is the statement you received for the 2003 Federal OR State?

    Who do you owe Federal  or State? Was the Federal or State refurn for 2003 ever filed?

    Seems like you need to file your State Returns, because they were never received or processed.

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