First off we have been married almost a year, but we have been together almost 3 years. Ok, so every time an issue comes up when somethings happens to get her upset - she does not want to talk about it. She looks at it as "I would rather not argue about this." I have tried giving her space, I have tried letting her come to me, and I have tried all sorts of things. It just seems like I have to ask "Why" about things that make her made so that I can try and be better for next time or make it better this time if I could just get to the root of the problem. She eventually just gets more mad when I do this and says "I'm mad because you will not let it go." You may say why don't you just let it go. I would but she stays grumpy for at least an hour. It's not like we have all the time in the world to be upset with each other. It would be easier to let it go if she wasn't so grumpy for so long. I don't understand that she doesn't appreciate me trying to get to know what bothers her so I can not do those things. Believe me I have said all of this to her and more. She says it is just the way she is. How could she not be happier if I found out all of the things that I do that bug her and then stopped doing them - If that makes sense. What approach would work best? Being firm makes her quieter, being soft makes her walk over me and take advantage of it, and being myself is what got her mad in the first place. With all honesty I would say 98% of the time when I do dig deeper and get an answer (of course not without a battle) it was all a misunderstanding and whatever happened would not of made her mad if she just gave me the benefit of the doubt and just asked me before she gets upset.