
My wife doesn' want me to see her vaginal stretch?

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my wife planned that when she gave birth she wanted me holding her head and back. and she wanted my mom and the doula holding her legs because she doesn't want be to see her vaginal stretch why is this.




  1. i felt this way when i first found out i was pregnant too. i didn't want my husband anywhere "south of the equator". i didn't want him to see my parts like that... and i was worried he wouldn't be attracted to me after the fact.

    turns out it wasn't an issue - i required a c-section. but please be understanding of your wife's feelings and tell her what you feel about it as well.

  2. she probably feels it is going to freak you out - and that you will not find her s**y or desirable.. plus when having a baby there is a chance you can well.. you know 'go'... or more times that not tear open... i know this because I am preg with my first - and I have my weird feeling about it too (with my husband) - but I have to work on getting over it because I dont want it to interfere with a good birth experience... it is natural and a part of life...Just keep telling her you want to help in any way you can and that you wont be freaked by anything (if you do mean it !) and learn as much as you can about the birthing process before the birth ! so you really can be prepared to help and support - best of luck to both of you !

  3. she doesnt want you to faint during the delivery of the baby

  4. She is self-conscious and wants to keep that part of the delivery private.  It's hard for you to understand because you're not a woman, but what she is going to look like at that time is different than ever before.  It's going to be graphic, painful, and she probably doesn't want you to think differently of her after.  It is true that some men are turned off by their wives and s*x for several months after delivery - she probably doesn't want that.  Just respect her wishes.  You never know - maybe in the future she'll want you down there.

  5. Until this point her v****a has been used for yours and her personal pleasure.  Your wife may feel a little insecure about you seeing it as a different venue.  My husband looked one time right as the baby was crowning and he didn't want to look anymore.  He just said, "She's almost here!"  Then, turned ghost white.  I would just respect what your wife wants and not ask too many questions.  Not to mention that a lot women p**p while delivering.  That can be very embarrassing even though it is completely normal.

  6. because she doesnt want you to be scared for life.

  7. She doesn't want you seeing what was once your favorite thing on her stretch out and whatnot...(not tryin to make that sounds rude) But I think she doesn't want you to feel unattracted to her after seeing her girly parts expand to make room for baby to come out. I felt like that with my first but finally gave in to my husband and told him he could hold a leg...after the birth he said it was neat to watch until the afterbirth and then he felt like he was gonna pass out when he seen them remove with our second child he watched until the baby was out,cut the cord,and talked to me while holding my leg when they were getting the afterbirth if you do want to watch just tell her that you would love to see your beautiful wife bring your child into the world,and nothing that happens down there will make you feel any different towards her because she is the most beautiful thing in your life and nothing could make that happen!

    Also don't watch the afterbirth come out...I've never seen it but heard form a lot of people that it is gross!

    Good Luck

  8. afraid you might think of getting a trade in

  9. probably because she thinks if you watch a big baby pop out of her formerly-little cooch then you won't find her s**y anymore..

    a lot of women are concerned as well because they tend to p**p without any warning while they're in labour.. again, not s**y..  :P

  10. might think you will pass out or might not think you will be attracted to her down there anymore..its very natural..i had t 2 kids natural and didnt want him down there either....

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