
My wife guessed and hoped that Palin would be the VP nominee, was it a good decision?

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It surprised me. Is she a good choice? Of course it is not like any serious Republican will vote for Obama so what will the moderates do? McCain needed a good choice, how do you think it will work out for him?




  1. I think the GOP has been trying to force McCain to eat more and more maggots for lunch every few weeks for several months.

    And finally he is just trying to spit it all out.

    I think it is a good decision in that it shows the real McCain is really quite disgusted with himself getting so political Romney-Rove style.


    I also think he probably asked Pawlenty before Palin and Pawlenty either felt a lack of guts compared to Palin or just a sense of self-preservation and said no

    to McCain.

    This is becoming a worse and worse and worse year to be on the GOP ticket given all the nausiating GOP nonsense they insist on.


    McCain has the guts to be the Head of the GOP ticket

    and after Pawlenty's rejection

    Mac probably

    just said to himself "The h**l with it, I'm just picking whoever I d**n well feel proud of, that I could work well with, they can take their election and shove it. I'm going to show my elephants the kind of guts McCain thinks they should have."

    "d**n bunch a GOP weasels!"-or something a little like that it went.

  2. NOPE!

  3. The more America gets to know her, the more America will love her. She is the real deal.

  4. I havent read much about it yet, but my first instinct is to say this will most likely not work out in his favor.

  5. As an Obama supporter, I am happy with his pick :>

  6. By "serious", do you mean hard core, right wing Republican? When I was six years old, my dad told me that I was a Republican, to which I replied... "I thought I was Sicilian, and Irish"... He further explained. The day I turned 18, I registered to vote, and have been exercising that right ever since. I tend to vote for my party, however, I will not simply vote for someone JUST because of political affiliation. I have voted for many a Democrat, and sadly I may have to do that again, because of John McCain's poor choice in a running mate. Call me old fashioned, but I will not vote a woman into the office of Commander in Chief, OR, Vice President. She's a stroke, heart attack, or bullet away from being our President! I am sorry, this is something I just cannot do. I wished he'd picked any one of the gentlemen he'd run against, or former NY Governor George Pataki. Anyone but a female governor, even though she has an extremely high approval rate in her state. Barack Obama's choice in Joe Biden was a good one, and it just may help get him elected. Go ahead, women's libbers, have at it with me. I have big shoulders, I can take it. I can also dish it out.

    If your sole question was about moderates? They'll do absolutely nothing. Sit, watch the news and complain about something they could have helped decide, as usual.

  7. it was a brilliant move :)

  8. IF you live in the dark ages, which apparently many in the country do.

  9. it's a good decision for Democrats.

  10. McCain just gave the election to Obama

  11. I think he could have found another woman with a bit more gravitas.

    I think it was a 5 on a scale of 10.

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