
My wife had a online affair?

by  |  earlier

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she said it was all because of me cause i verbal abuse her. i dont get is that she did the same to me and i didnt go outside the marrage. She wont even tell me what happen




  1. Some people think that on-line s*x is not an affair but it is wrong to communicate this way with a person outside of the marriage.

    You need to talk and let her know your feelings on this.

    Then you have a big decision to make stay or boot her out.

  2. Don't worry! on line intercourse not yet started.At least let her enjoy with that way.

  3. I am sorry this has happened to you. It really doesn't matter what she said, he said. Why would you want all of the details? That would only further hurt your feelings. You have two choices, you can leave, or you can stay. If you choose to stay with each other I strongly suggest the two of you seek out some counseling.

  4. Did you verbally abuse her???

    I know from experience verbal/emotional abuse can beat a woman down after so many years of putting up with it.  You finally decide this guy will never learn to love me the way I diserve to be loved.  This is not something that I normally would admit to but after 10 years in a abusive relationship I had a affair.  I know now that it was my own fault I should have left him many many years before but I did not and know I am divorced...  I am glad to be divorced and have no regrets accept that it could have been done differently...

  5. dude u need ot nip this is the butt quick. online affairs turn into in person affairs really quick. she cheated on u. we can all agree on that. she went outisde the marriage to recv comfort from another person. if she had any probs w/ u or if she wanted to leave u for someone else she shouldve went and told u not had an affair like that. that lessons her credibility. if it were me i would sit down w/ her and express my feelings about it. let her know that u are notplaying this game, u are not going to lead on, and if she wants to still be w/ u she needs to tell u and only u the probs in ur relationship not a total stranger. if she is willing to work on ur relationship and not play games i would give her another chance. but if she still wants to play this game u need to leave her. divorce her and dont look back there are women out there that dont play games

  6.   Watch out for those syber herpes there nasty . Did she use protection? Some sort of anti virus

  7. When people are not "happy" in their marriage then they go outside of the marriage. If you want to save your marriage you both need to talk (not yell) and not only find the specific problems in the marriage but focus on the solutions. If you both commit to doing your part to make it work and let go of the past (don't bring it up) you might make it work.  If it's worth saving remember it takes two to make it work and only one to let it go. Good Luck

  8. Lol an "online affair" hehe. Listen, if it wasn't taken off the net, it does not count but I will say, things are starting to head down a sour path between the both of you if she feels the need to talk to strangers on the net other then her own husband. Either start getting along or go for marriage counseling.

  9. do i smell a troll?

  10. Anything she says don't matter. You have a choice, stay or leave

  11. So she sat and typed words on a computer screen..stop making such a big deal out of it.  Its sorta like you watching a p**n film. Its just sexual gratifications done by herself. Its not as if she spent a week in hawaii in this man's bed. Your making a bid deal out of it because you want too. If you were happy, it wouldn't matter. You just want an excuse to leave her by making it her fault.  

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